Chapter 35

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Tw: blood, gore, weapon. Violation. Implied manipulation, slavation. Mentions of mental modification. Prison.
Blood. A lot of blood. Not that lot actually.

She stood firmly before a stumbled figure that visibly shivered on the floor. Whether it was because of his old state or because of the fear of death. And Yea JI really hoped that it was the latter.

The gun she drew was unfrazzled and just a matter of time the tin bullet would bore into the disgusting skull of the oldest alpha's head. If she wasn't that impatient to deride him before witnessing his death.

And the smirk was formed on the bloody lips that followed along by a chuckle. It was very strain and forceful that lasted a few second before shifted to a hard cough.

"Still have a pride huh? Father?" The revengeful omega was faltered by the determination and unfearful gaze of the alpha but quickly covered it. She won't ever let her weakness shows when she was very close to her victory.

The old man coughed several times more, wiping the dripping blood from the corner of his lips. Staring intently towards the once his 'asset'. "You're..very Seo's descendants," he croaked out hoarse and raw.

She hilted her one brow, uninterested. But most importantly unaffected.

"I should've killed you along with your mother at the first place. You're my worst mistake! Such a piece of a repulsive omega!"

And that what brought a snicker out of her mouth. "You're very unbelievable, father. Still have your pride along. You're the least person who deserve to talk about mistake when you never did good for once. And what about being a mistake? What about being a daughter who killed her father?" She pressed the tip of the rifle hard on the wrinkled forehead. Then withdrew the gun and straightened her back.

She pulled the trigger and watched as his father writhed and screamed in pain when the bullet penetrated his kneecap. His groan was trembling and heartbreaking if Yea Ji wasn't broken enough to mind that.

"That's was a tiny bit pain that you'd caused, sigh.. What a pity.. I have to end you sooner than how i like it,"

And without further ado or waiting for another wave of voice from the father, she pulled another trigger aiming right onto his skull leaving the body pliant on the floor. Not completely before a few trashing that looked way more terrifying for whoever other than her.

She was smiling satisfyingly. Her eyes dark lookied amused towards the nearly shattered head with blood that splattered everywhere by the far too close's impact.

A wave of unwelcoming memories crashed over her. Every single pain, every single lost. The love ones that being slaughtered unforgivably by the father that currently limped under her feet. A tear slid down her face. She wasn't regret a thing. She couldn't find a bit empathy or dismay for had ended up his life.

She reached up and wiped the once in forever's relief tear. A vicious smile adorned her face as he watched the now corpse of his father. 'I wish god won't forgive a monster like you,'

And with that she walked away. And once in a while, her steps was light as if a hundred tan of weight had been lifted up off her shoulder. And that somewhat made her walk swayed like a drunk person.

Her gaze was wild taking in every bit of situation there. The enemy's men was all defeated. Whether they were found dead on the floor or restrained by most of her people. There were some on her side who were injured which already taken care by trained medics.

Her dark eyes were taking slow, trailing the movements of her men escorting several omega prisoners that had been locked in those cells for god knows how long. As if the achievement was some sort of dream, she inhaled deeply and blinked her eyes for several times only to see the same exact view.

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