Chapter 13

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For this three weeks and two days, there was many times Jisung felt like a burden to the household. But he never told Chan about it, seeing how the older's happy face everytime they spent times together.

However, Jisung never felt unwelcomed by everyone in the house. He glad that Minho's mother always softly talk to him since her arrival. But still couldn't contain his awkwardness around her.

He grew closer to Chan than before, blocking him to not noticing the change in the older's physical and behaviour. All he could do was making sure that the other's well from time to time.

It was about eleven and half in the morning when Mrs. Lee asked for his company to the garden. They walked side by side observing the beauty of flowers when suddenly he was attacked by a question.

"Do you like Minho?"

The blood rushed over his head urging a shiver down his spine. He looked the woman in terror. The stiffness won't go away even after Mrs. Lee let out a chuckle.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. Nothing wrong with falling in love right?"
How the words blurted nonchalantly from the mouth impressed him.

He shot his eyes on the ground immediately. "I didn't mean to.... I'm sorry ma'am,"

"Why are you apologising sweetie?" She laughed. Reached out his hand to pat the younger's fluffy hair.

"No need to apologise... I just wanna ask something," she paused. "You still love him even though you know he's mated?"

Jisung paled. Oh, how he had noticed his feelings grew bigger everytime he saw the alpha. Even after he had tried to block them multiple times.

The snicker from the mother what snapped him out of his zone.

"You don't need to answer that son. It's pretty obvious I could tell,"

"I-I'm sorry.. So, so sorryy madam. It really not my intention to.. To have that.. feeling," he already in the verge of kneeling when hands prevent him to do that.

"Relax sweetie. I'll never tell anybody. It is a little secret between us," with that, Mrs. Lee gave him a smile before walked away with Jisung tailing behind with his head low.

Jisung stayed giving her a good company when suddenly the atmosphere shifted to a little hot, formed a sweat on Jisung's forehead. He bent down when the wave churned his stomach making him grimaced.

Mrs. Lee stopped her movements and spin around. Her eyes wide.

"Are you okay, Jisung?" she asked while observing the younger's state.

Her smile faded away and replaced by an unreadable expression.

"Hey sweetie. Are you in heat?"

No, no. Not here. Jisung panic knowing his dumbness of forgetting about his heat cycle.

"Now now, go back to your room and rest,"


Chan was busy making lunch at the kitchen. Minho obviously wasn't home and his three housekeepers were received days off, requested by his mother with unknown reason. He definitely couldn't disobey the 'order' as always.

He was cutting a green onion when his nostril detected a familiar scent that stronger that usual. He brought his eyes to the stairs where Jisung climbed up to reach another floor.

"Sungie, you okay?"

"Yeah, just- maybe it's my pre-heat,"

Chan widened his eyes. "What?! Uh.. Urm.. Is there anything I could help you with?"

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