Chapter 11

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Chan let out a heavy huff. He reached a towel and wrapped his body with it. Covering his chest until above of his knees, expossing his flashing calf. With that, he stepped out of the bathroom.

He observed a strong figure, minding his own business in the closet, probably looking for undergarments. He walked closer until he reached the alpha's back and crept his arms around the waist. He trailed his fingers on Minho's tone abs and snuggled closer to his shirt, inhaling the aroma that comfort him.

Minho stunned by the sudden approach but still formed a smirk knowing his omega couldn't stand sulking on him for too long.

"I'm sorry... baby,"

Minho arched his brows in amusement. It's not common for Chan to call him by 'baby'. He couldn't recalled when the last time Chan call him by that.

He spinned his body facing the other and held the omega by the waist. "Baby.. That's my thing," He laughed after that.

Chan whined and put his head on Minho's chest. His face already crimson red. Crap. He's too easy to fluster. "Shower with meee.."

Minho just realised that the omega in his towel without the trailed of water on his hair or anywhere. Just his face looked a little damp.

"You didn't shower yet?" Chan just shook his head and tugged on his alpha's shirt to take it off.

"with mee..."

Minho chuckled while taking off of his shirt and grabbed Chan's forearms and connected their lips with loving kiss. Sucking on those plump lips, he inserted his tongue in, exploring the other's mouth making the smaller moaned in shock. But, gladly reciprocated that by linking his arms around the alpha's neck.

They moved their body in rhythm stumbled there and then until they entered the bathroom. Minho locked the door from behind without disconnected their lips. They were apart for just two days, but he already craved the omega. He brought his hand up placing it on the omega's chest and pulled the towel off, making it dropped on the floor.


Staring into the ceiling with wide eyes. He couldn't sleep even after their wild activities in the bathroom. Sun already peeked on the horizon and he didn't even bother to wake the alpha up.

Turned his head slowly to the nightstand, he stretched his hand reaching for his phone. He looked through the contact to find someone's number.

He was calculating to press the call button when he stood up and walked out of the room slowly. He expected that nobody up until he arrived at the kitchen just to be greeted by a voice.

"You already up Chan?" it's Nina.

Chan perked his eyes up meeting it with a smiley face. He noticed that the beta wore a teasing smile while staring at his collarbone. He gasped slowly and immediately tugged on his upper sweater to cover, what he believed was hickey.

"What are you looking at?" he snapped embarrassingly.

Nina shrugged and chuckled afterwards. "Guess you already OKAY with Mr. Lee.." she spinned his body facing the cabinet.
Chan just remained silent with his flushed cheeks.

"I'll make breakfast today. I know you're still tired," Nina accused the younger making Chan frowned annoyingly and stomped out of the kitchen. He didn't miss the hysterical laugh from the beta at his behaviour and brushed his already red ears.

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