Chapter 28

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He blinked open his eyes welcoming the bright sight of the hospital room. He actually had woken up once he was placed in the ward after the examinations and treatment in the emergency room. And there would be no other thing that could made him smile other than the presence of the Alpha.

It made his omega happy of the thought that 'their' alpha cared about them.

He had heard everything the doctor said to Minho, about how he was at high risk and near to miscarry, even though he already bleed so much, but fortunately, he didn't lose his child.

There was a chemical ingredient that been detected in his blood when they were running a few tests on it. And they believed, that the sample was one of the medication for early abortion. And due to Jisung's second trimester, he survived.

And how he could see the brows arched in shock and the glance towards him with a concern filled eyes as the discussion went on.

Minho had sat closed to him, giving him the most honest smile he had ever seen in his life that made his heart bloomed in a different way. A good way of different. They also had a few conversations. Of course all the talks were related to what had happened to him that day.

For Jisung, they just talked casually until one moment, when the alpha furrowed really hard and seemed speechless and tried to process the one sentence that the omega blurted out.

And right after that, Minho softened his expression a little bit and told him that he had something to be done quick and he would be back.

He stared at the back of the man silently, appreciating the moment when the other walked away. The love of him had just left, leaving him alone, even though he knew that Minho would be back, he still couldn't help but felt sad.

Once again. Fuck hormones.

He dazed out the window when he didn't found anything else to do. He was intended to call Felix at first, but the behaviour of Minho's earlier affected his mood a little bit and he just wanted to be alone. Thinking about what would be the cause for the alpha to walk away. Was that him? Was that the thing he just said?

He thought deeply before decided that nothing was wrong with what he confessed. He just told him the daily routine of his before the incident.

It cost him nothing than a headache the more he thought about it, so there he was laying there and keep on waiting for the certain prince charming to come back.

Surely the wait had brought him to an unintentionally nap and woke up on the present. Snaking his eyes around just to caught the someone was sleeping on the hospital's couch.

He wondered where did the man go earlier, looking so restless and in denial. He continued on observe the other sleeping state in adoration. It was limited, so he won't let it go to waste.

But his tickling throat decided to betray him as he coughed hard to ease the sensation. And it of course, jolted Minho awake as he seemed confuse at first but quickly regain his memory back before he was fallen asleep.

He snapped his head on the direction of the omega and stood up on guard. "You alright?" he asked whilst busying his hands offered a glass of water for Jisung.

Jisung took a sip and let out a sigh. "Yeah, thank you anyway. Sorry for had woken you up,"

Minho then sat himself on the chair next to the bed. "Nah, I'm good,"

And there they went again. Completely in awkwardness and silent whenever they were in each other's company. Well maybe for Minho yes.

"I'm sorry, you have to go through this madness," Minho suddenly muttered, startling the other for a while.

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