Chapter 22

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Jisung woke up with a groan after a thumping sounds was heard outside of his bedroom as if someone was running. He sat up blinking the drowsiness away before long after that when he intended to peaked out of the door to see what actually was going on. It's only half three in the morning.

When he clicked the doorknob opened and pulled it ajar, he managed to saw Nina walked away from the Master Bedroom. Couldn't help but wonder what the housekeeper do in the said bedroom, he walked out and getting closer and closer to the grandly decorated door.

He knew it was inappropriate to eavesdrop through others' privacy, and he blamed his pregnancy state for making him curious and overthink than ever.

Leaned against the wall just to regretted afterwards when his ears caught the sounds that met his dismay. If feelings could be heard, the hall surely echoed the sound of his heart by how hard it dropped right now. He clenched his fist and caressed the other one on his baby bump.

As the sobs and moans went on, his omega whimpered and cracked slowly inside. Tears pricked on the bridge of his waterline struggling to blink it away.

Sadness crept through his heart by how pathetic he felt right now.

"You've got everything..." he whispered under his breath.

'You always get everything...
It always been you...
It's unfair..'

Jisung slowly lowered his body until he was in sitting position, hugging both knees. He took a deep breath trying to hold back his tears. He won't cry over this stupid reason.

From now on, he chose to always laugh and always act like nothing happen in attempt to chase his happiness.



He chuckled slowly and stood up back. Moved his step towards his bed room with a calm pace. Sat on his bed still trying to calm his sadness and replaced it with something else.

Anything else.

He was tired to try over and over chasing away his feeling towards the alpha. But all his attempts were no avail. The said alpha gripped his heart tightly that's no way it could be free.

Life is cruel. It's cruel for making him have no control over his own feeling.

Life is cruel. And it even more cruel when he could do nothing about it.

Life is cruel. So, why not he act and trick it to works like a math fomular.

Negative and negative, Positive.

It won't be hurt right? With that, life will be a little bit fair. Right?


He entered the house with a huff. Relieved that finally his tiring day of work ended. But, who was he to predict that everything take a break and nothing could happen.

A loud scream alerted him that something unfortunate still awaiting anywhere and anytime.

He let go of his belongings, letting them placed miserably on the sofa cuz he didn't care. Briskly walked towards the kitchen where he believed the scream came from.

The sight confused him that already exhausted to use his brain. There, sat Jisung panicked and suffocated, trying to take off his socks as if that was the hardest things to do. Well, maybe that was hard when he saw smokes steamed out of the socks.

Wait what?

And there was also Chan who tried to come closer to help Jisung but the said omega backed away and sobbing loudly.

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