Chapter 18

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Five weeks of pregnancy, when he started craving things even though he usually would threw it up afterwards.

Four weeks of constant nauseous and morning sickness.

Three weeks of Felix's frequent visit since the day he found out about Jisung's state. He refused to let him go through it 'alone'. That's what he claimed.

One week of feeling empty and fatigue. The most terrible craving he had ever experienced. He could feel his muscle weakened every second because the lack of it;
The alpha's precence, comfort, embrace,touch, scent. He lacked everything of the alpha.

He needed it but he knew he could never receive that no matter what. Chan would surely won't let it to happen. Right?

He groaned in attempt to push himself up from the bed. He glanced towards the clock just to find out it was already half noon and remembered went back to sleep after breakfast. So, he decided that was enough.

The way out of the room was difficult when he almost trip on the floor. But, his way outside, not even better. A regret crossed his mind when his left foot won't compromise to stay firm on the stairs.

The world was spinning and turned upside down. He pressed his eyes shut and wrapped his arms around his stomach protectively. Let's say he just wait for the hit to happen, or maybe the rolling down the stairs as well?

But none of them seemed to come true when an arm grabbed his waist immediately. The person led the omega far from the stairs and asked if he was okay.

A scent met his nostrils. A familiar, pleasant and longing aroma that he craved for. He leaned in the touch instinctively. And inhaled the mint citrus scent almost immediately.

He couldn't think about anything else, but gripped the alpha's shirt and snuggled onto it. With his situation that time, he didn't care at all about how stiff the alpha been afterwards.

And another footsteps was heard. Much to his dislike.

He knew who that was. And a sudden irritation engulfed him making him let a growl. But no one seemed to notice. The new person then placed his palms on his cheeks and let out a gasp.

"Sungie, are you okay? You're so pale!"
"What happened?" the second question, he meant it for the alpha.

The alpha stiffly answered it, but it was like a passing wind in Jisung's ears because his focus was on Chan. And their little conversation afterwards was heard as a mumble as Jisung busied sending his glare towards the other omega.

His wolf growled again when he got separated with tha alpha and ushered to his room. Chan told him to rest and he couldn't help but felt irritated by that.

Why did Chan set him apart from the alpha? Didn't he knew that he missed it? That he would die without it? Anger kept rising in his system as he slowly drifted to sleep due to exhaustion.


Opened his eyes and feeling calm than ever. He could feel a new energy was transferred. He wandered his eyes everywhere and met with a figure that peacefully sat on a sofa scrolling down his phone. Screen illuminated his face seeing how gloomy the room was.

Curtains purposely covered the window, blocking any light from slipping in, adding with a calming scent making Jisung felt nothing but safe. He was protected. His baby was protected.

"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry," the man sat straight while scratching the back of his head, showing that he didn't know what to do, or say.

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