Chapter 21

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The dim light of the room, never not make him shudder,
The scent that overflowing and strongly released gave him a real unchased memory,
The memory that long be forgotten,
When he was sure he brought his poor self far away, safe from that hell.

So why..
Why the scent seemed to be flying around near him, almost likely he was still there..
Or.. Not almost...

There's a figure stood in front of him...

And he was lying on the cursed bed...

In the dim room..


No. It couldn't be, right? He can't be there!

The smaller shook his head frantically, trying to chase whatever illusion that played with him.
Pinched herself right there and then attempting to wake his damn brain from the nightmare.

But everything seems real.
The pinch,
The scent,
The mattress,
The figure...

He started crying when the person walk closer. Very big and intimidating.

Every step, sent a wave of scent attacked the poor nostrils making him shiver. His cry got louder to the point that he barely have a breath.

It felt suffocating. The scent blocked his trachea making him gagged painfully.

Coffee and mud.

Her eyes wide and his pulse fastened when a pair of hands reached his shoulder in a speed of light.

He screamed.


The omega jolted awake in a terror. Now he knew that was just a nightmare and the person before him was his alpha.
And the dim room from before completely disappeared from his view.

But, why he still could sniff the curse scent in his nose? As if the aroma was still there. Exist in the room. Where?

He panicked. Brushed frantically the alpha's hands on his shoulders away. Cried even louder where in the dream he couldn't.

"No!" he shook his head violently refused to accept comfort from the other.

Minho seemed to try again, grabbed the smaller by the wrists where he forced a scream out from the omega. Then held his hands back apologetically.

"Chan, can you hear me?" he asked softly trying to fish his mate's focus. The omega already in his panic attack episode, where it hurt the alpha who couldn't do anything.

Every inhale looked so painful where the younger pressed his hands on his chest trying to show that it hurts. Tears still flowing like a waterfall.


The breath quickened and it feared the alpha terribly. What was the omega dream of to make him terrified like that?

Chan backed away whilst Minho wanted to close their gap. It shocked the alpha to the core when the omega fall from the bed with a loud thud. He speed up to check on him but the scream afterwards halt him from that.

"No! Noo!!" he sobbed. Minho couldn't catch the mumble afterwards when Chan hide his face on his knees. A heartbreaking sight for the alpha.

"Baby.. Please.. This is me. I won't hurt you, let me touch you okay?" Minho won't give up when he decided to get down off the bed as well.

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