Chapter 16

650 23 8

Short warning lol


"Abort it"

"Min?!" Chan perked his eyes up, piercing it on the alpha. He wanted so bad to scold Minho for blurted out the word that very hurtful for some ways.

The alpha on the other hand, wasn't hundred percent on his decision. He just terribly overwhelmed and rage take over him ten percent more, at the thought that he impregnated someone other than his mate. And that's Chan's fucking friend!

He didn't want the child. It was a mistake!

"Min, that's your child that you talking about! How can you say such things?!" Chan already stood up following the alpha that worked up when he received the information from the omega.

"Chan please! It was a mistake!"

"No, Minho! The child wasn't a mistake, they did nothing wrong! What if Jisung hear this? It might hurt him!"

"Why you always care about others? Think about yourself for a once can't you?!"

"You tried to change the subject Minho!"

Minho groaned and punched the wall beside him making Chan flinched. He leaned against it and pinch the bridge of his nose. Regret adorned his feature.

"You, all of people should understand it Chan, this is too much for me," Minho's voice broke a little.

Chan realised that he just distressed the alpha even more. He took a deep breath to calm his rage and slowly stepped closer, taking the alpha's hand and placed it on his cheek. He snuggled against it and purred knowing that would settled the alpha.

"I'm sorry Hunny, I should understand you, don't I?" Chan pet named him and Minho melted by that.
"But... will you think about it? At least do it for me please?" Chan pleaded the alpha almost desperately making him looks like an abandoned puppy.

How can Minho ever resist him?

The alpha let out a heavy sigh before mumbled an audible 'fine' that surely boosted Chan happiness.

Chan jumped over Minho making him wrapped his arms around the smaller instantly to prevent him from falling.

"Thank you so much Minho!"

Minho didn't understand it and never would understand. Chan always so happy whenever he could offer help to others wether it could effect him or not.

Not just that, he's also unpredictable.

Weeks ago, the omega looked so worn out and distress. But, at that very moment, he looked excited as if the whole situation weren't the caused of his break down.

As if, he was the one who expecting the baby.

"I will think about it and it just because you persuaded me to. But I can't promise anything okay?"

Chan's smile faltered a little bit, then, drew it again, knowing that Minho was kind enough to consider it. He nodded, happy enough with the decision.

He stood on tippy toes to peck the alpha on the lips. Grin still adorned his pure face.

"I love you,"


A humming song was heard throughout the room, where a woman elegantly standing in front of the mirror observing her youthful beauty.

Of course, she aware of Jisung state that made her mood brighter than usual.

She had called her buttler to pick her up. It's time for her to be back to the Lee's mansion, since her 'job' here was satisfyingly done.

A victory smirk decorated her face before she turned around and proceeded her step out of the room.

But, she halted midway when a fluffy thing snuggled against her ankle. She threw a glance downwards just to discover a cute little puppy.

'King Charles Spaniel' puppy that Chan treasured the most.

She crouched down to pat the fluffy ball and picked her up to observe the cute feature. A chuckle blurted out her lips.

"Hey, Berry,"


The end of chapter 4
September 23


Sorry it's short

And maybe the next part will be me, explaining things before you jump into the next chapter, where the REAL story begin~ LOL

Stay happy, cozy and cuddly!
Bye bye

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