Chapter 32

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The door crept open, producing a creaking sound that a little bit echoed throughout the room. But it wasn't enough to pick on the person in the room who was currently threw his eyes outside of the large window whilst sitting on a wheelchair.

She stepped inside, walking slowly to the direction of the sitting figure. She placed a tray of meals on the small round table before recompose herself.

The raven haired girl, stood straightly. Took a rather deep breath trying to comfort herself that everything will be fine and that she could face with this, no matter how painful the reality was.

She lowered her body and kneeled before the seemingly invalid person that didn't even look disturb by her sudden appearance.

"Chan..?" she spoke slowly, not wanting to startle the fragile looking omega.

And the call seemed to successly getting Chan's attention as he blinked and looked at the beta shocked.

"oh? Sorry.. I d-didn't notice.. you..?"

The expression was enough to comfirm the girl what she was getting herself into. The familiar realisation every morning. It was just the same. She sighed sadly but still waited patiently for Chan to mutter the next words.

"who? Y-you.. You know me?" the omega's eyes wide without a tint of fear in it. And ravennete was grateful for that. At least, Chan would easily accept his presence as a normal 'stranger', not anyone who wants to hurt him.

She wore a sweet smile that had she trained very well. "I'm N.." she stopped, thinking something that suddenly popped in his head.

The sudden halt, made Chan's face changed into a questioning one, however he stayed unresponsive to respect the other's turn to speak.

Nina, blanked for a while, calculating which identity she wants to reveal to this new Chan. Finding out that, this is the only opportunity to speak the truth. Without thinking about his acception.

The girl slowly reached out and grip the pale weak hands in hers with a tight clasp. Glancing up on the tired eyes searching for a tint of realisation or look of humor but couldn't find any. So she took a deep breath before continued her halted statement.

"I see, you forgot me again this morning Channie," she pouted playfully trying to hide the lump of sadness that formed in her throat.

Chan tilted his head to the side. His brows started to furrow. "Ah really? I do know you then.. I-I'm sorry.. I d-don't remember, my-"

"Shhh, why are you apologising? You're sick remember?" She smiled reassuringly even though tears treatened to prick on the corner of her eyes. She saw how Chan nodded slowly in apologetic manner.

Well, that was bonus as she didn't have to explain about that matter seeing that Chan remembered his illness.

"Hmm, I guess i need to introduce myself all over again," she readjust the grip on their intertwined hands. "I'm J-Jamie... your sister. Your twin sister," she arched his brow as if to ask whether the name was known or not.

Chan furrowed in confusion and guilt. "Jamie.." he whispered, focusing his eyes on his lap. "Jamie.." he shut his eyes tightly, trying to restrain his brain in attempt to look for the name Jamie in his faint memory.

He had a sister. A twin sister. Yet he forgot about her. He couldn't help but felt terrible crippling through his heart whilst he forced whatever gush of memories washed over him in blinding shots.

But then, he grimaced when a ripple pain crept through his temple as he gasped and hold the side of his scarfed head. Trembling.

Jamie was panicked, she held Chan's wrist and the other hand rubbed soothingly on the other' nape. "Stop it Chan! You just caused yourself more pain!"

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