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chapter x.

( sports festival: the 1v1's round 1 )

For those of you who forgot what had happened in the last chapter, let me tell you:

After much pain and struggle Keiko's (technically Midoriya's) team won fourth place in the cavalry battle, securing her spot in the final event.

Keiko was too distracted to celebrate though, since she was hungry.

Really hungry.

I guess running around in circles nonstop for around ten minutes while also simultaneously using your quirk can really take its tole on you.

She hung at the back of the crowd that filed out of the stadium for lunch, massaging her temples with the pads of her fingers. She wasn't really in the mood to talk or to accept congratulations from others.

One, she was tired and had a headache room overusing her powers.

Two, she didn't get over the fact that her shoes have sunken deep into the ground with no way of retrieving it without wrecking the platform.

I don't have enough money to get new ones for school... there are pros and cons in being a convenience store worker and working for free as a band manager since most of the money goes to the Phantoms' rent.

She huffed, speed walking towards the exit, dodging all words directed at her as her want for food grew.

She went straight to the crows, expertly weaving through the small spaces in between the students to get to her destination as quickly as she could.

"Thank goodness," Keiko muttered when she found the line, which was at an average length.

I better snag a spot before the other students arrive...

She went in line, humming under her breath as she waited for her turn.

Food was a necessity to Keiko. Her family had many good cooks, but not all took up the job of a chef.

When the ravenette was just a little girl, her mother would frequently ask for her assistance, teaching her how to cut and fry and all the other needed skills when cooking.

Though it doesn't really seem like it, she also applied some skills from the kitchen to the battlefield.

She learned to multitask, to be quick, to be aware of her surroundings, and to be observant.

When your tomatoes are wrinkly, that means they're soft. When they're soft, that means they're over ripe.

When your opponent is limping very slightly, it means that they've pulled a muscle. If they're visibly limping, they sprained or broke their ankle.

You get the point.

She loves cooking. She didn't really like baking, since your measurements always have to be exact in order for the end product to look right. She prefers to add as much of the herbs and spices as she thinks is right.

She liked her food spicy and salty. You'll see that when she makes you a meal.

Anyway, when Keiko finally got her tray of food (which was a big bowl of noodles and a bottle of water), she walked around the area, struggling to find a free table.

Just like on her first day in UA, she wanted to eat alone, but that was hard when there's a lot of people in already in here. Some people even shared tables with people they didn't even know because of the mass of students eating.

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