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chapter xx.

( the final exams )

"Fear of villains becoming more active due to the connection between Hero Killer: Stain and the League of Villains, huh?" Nezu said, glancing at the paper set in front of him.

The teachers of UA were having a meeting regarding the final exam of the students. They were originally going to have them fight against robots, but the decision was questioned because of the events that had happened over the past few weeks.

"Of course, it's best to stop it beforehand, but we want to be completely prepared," Snipe said. "If in the future there will be more combat against villains than what we see now, combat training against robots isn't practical.

"First of all, the robots used during the entrance exam were to avoid the complaints about whether anyone will be harmed during the entrance exam."

"We should just ignore those," Aizawa said, his arms crossed. "They just want to complain."

"It's not that simple," Midnight argued, turning her head to look at her colleague.

Cementoss spoke up. "We understand the change since the entrance exam, but pairing up the students to fight against us teachers is..."

"Yes, I think it'll be difficult," Thirteen said.

"We won't be able to grade them if we win too easily," Present Mic agreed.

"We're taking that into consideration, and we're going to give a handicap to the students," Snipe pointed out.

"What do you say, Principal?" Aizawa asked, glancing at the scarred mouse beside him.

"Whatever it is, I agree with changing the content of the final exam," Nezu sighed. "What do we need to do to prevent the students from facing any more danger?

"The answer is simple. The students need to become stronger."

Sounds of agreement came from the teachers, and Aizawa looked at the student profile he had in hand as he brought up another problem. "Now, about the pairings... the first is Todoroki. Overall, he's doing well, but he has the tendency to rely on brute force. Yaoyorozu is versatile, but she lacks in sudden decision making and application. So I'll erase their quirks and close in on their weaknesses with close combat."

"No objections," the teachers chorused.

"Next is Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kobayashi..." he looked at the information on the paper for each of the students, noticing the slight decrease in information on the ravenette compared to the other two.

"All Might, I'm counting on you."

All Might looked shocked.

"Regarding these three, I'm not grouping them together because of skill or grades. To put it simply, they don't get along. Kobayashi may communicate better with them individually and has more field experience than them, she isn't used to fighting in groups. Having the two on her team will put up a challenge for her."

Aizawa looked across the table and at the slowly weakening Symbol of Peace. "You favor Midoriya, don't you? Guide them well."


"Now, we will announce all the teams and their opponents," Nezu said, raising his hand. 

Cementoss vs Sato and Kirishima
Ectoplasm vs Asui and Tokoyami
Power Loader vs Iida and Ojirou
Eraserhead vs Yaoyorozu and Todoroki
Thirteen vs Aoyama and Uraraka
Nezu vs Kaminari and Ashido
Present Mic vs Koda and Jirou
Snipe vs Shoji and Hagakure
Midnight vs Sero and Mineta
All Might vs Kobayashi, Midoriya, and Bakugou

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