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chapter xviii.

fit of the chapter is in the media above

( with the bakusquad )

After school that day, Keiko was on a phone call with Aiko, since the boy was talking about a program that the school might establish with the Big Three of Shiketsu: Ichiro, Kai, and him.

"I'm telling you, the training we could get from this thing would be amazing!" Aiko said excitedly as Keiko swung her free arm a little.

With a little help from Astran, Keiko's arms were almost as good as new. They still felt a little sore, though.

"But I don't think they'll establish it any time soon," Keiko said. "I mean, the villain attacks are getting bolder nowadays."

Aiko sighed from the other side of the line. "Yeah, but it would still be beneficial, no matter how far away their planned date of establishment would be."

At the same time, the Bakusquad, comprised of Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou, were walking out of the main building together; Kirishima making fun of Bakugou, and Kaminari, Mina, and Sero playing tag.

It was a pretty usual appearance of the squad, until Mina stopped chasing Kaminari and stared off into the distance, where she spotted a familiar ravenette conversing with someone over the phone. 

"Hey, isn't that Keiko?" Mina said, making the other two boys pause and look over as well.

"She looks really happy..." Sero noted.

He was right. Kirishima and Bakugou also glanced at the girl, and they noticed that she had a big smile on her face, which was different than the one she usually wore; this one had a certain glow to it, especially when she chuckled a little at what the person on the phone said.

The boys felt jealousy brew in the pit of their stomach as they wondered who was she talking to, while Mina was gushing over how cute Keiko was.

"She's so adorable!" Mina squealed. "We should invite her to come with us to the rink!"

Ah, yes. I forgot to mention. They planned on going to a nearby ice skating rink that just opened up recently, then to the arcade next door. 

"I'll ask her!" Kaminari said cheerfully, waltzing towards Keiko as Sero sighed.

"He's gonna say stupid stuff, isn't he?"

Mina and Kirishima simply nodded.

"Keiko!" Kaminari said, a smirk on his face as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. 

The girl smiled politely at the boy. She still wasn't used to physical contact with other people.

Keiko put up one finger, signaling the boy to wait for a while as she ended her conversation with her brother. The lightning bolt nodded and removed his arm to give her space.

"I'm gonna go," Keiko said softly. "My friend wants to talk to me."

Aiko huffed. "I heard him. He better not do anything weird to you or I'm gonna whoop his ass in person."

Keiko laughed softly, making Kaminari tense a little. 

She's so cute, Kaminari thought with stars in his eyes. Thank god he couldn't hear anything on the other line, or else he might start backing away from the ravenette.

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