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chapter xiv.

(pic above is the hero costume, just add a mask covering
the nose-down and imagine skin-tight pants)

( internships part 1 )

Hawks, Miruko, Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Nighteye, Kamui Woods... who the hell am I gonna choose?

Keiko had her head in her hands as she sat in her chair at the back of the classroom. She was planning on not taking the internships seriously, but when she went through the ridiculously long list of people, she wanted to actually think about it.

This could help her improve, but it could also be a window to stop as much crime as she could, whether it be in Musutafu or Miyagi for that matter.

Her top priority: stopping the Hero Killer: Stain.

Of course she understood what he was doing: eliminating heroes who he thought weren't stopping crime for the good of the society, but for what they get from it.

In a way, Stain and her were the same: they knew that the hero society was corrupt, but Keiko had changed her direction and decided to change it from within, unlike the hero killer.

It was risky, seeing as the best heroes weren't stationed in Hosu, the one place that had the highest possibility of Stain fighting in the alleys.

Besides, she wasn't even sure she could even encounter him without bait.

She groaned a little, stretching and sighing as she heard her joints pop back into place.

I'll worry about that later. My brain's to jumbled up for that kind of thinking.

"Todoroki," Keiko called, looking at the boy who turned to face her. "Who're planning on internshipping with?"

The peppermint tilted his head a little from the girl's vocabulary, but answered nonetheless. "I'm thinking of going with my father."

Keiko nodded. "Though he's an asshole, I understand your choice. You want to tame your flames, don't you?"

The boy nodded, not at all surprised with her observation and her chosen name for his father.

Oh right. I forgot to tell you.

They had talked to each other after class as they walked home, then when they reached the Todoroki household, Keiko would head over to Shinso's, who would ask her questions about Ninja and herself as they played video games or with his cats. You could consider the two friends.

"Good luck. Let's see how strong you'll become after this."


Keiko hummed a random tune under her breath as she walked towards the teachers' room.

First things first: She wanted to talk to Aizawa about Iida, since she noticed that he chose his agency fairly quickly.

Just like her, I guess.

She knocked gently on the door, smiling politely as she found herself face-to-face with Ectoplasm.

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