Part 44. Sacrifised

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The next hours are filled with a lot of theory, in which everyone learns as much as possible about all the stones in order to find out where and when to get them. Every stone has its own story, its own journey and the team has to find out when is the best time to get it.
Thor starts with the Aethnar, the Reality Stone. But while trying to explain all he knows about it, he digresses and talks about Jane, his ex-girlfriend and his mother. Tears fill his eyes and his voice shakes, so Tony has to stop his lecture and make him sit down again. He asks for a Bloody Mary and even when [Y/N] had condemned him earlier, she now feels sorry for the God of Thunder. He is broken and eaten up by pain and sorrow. And for a short moment, her mind wanders but it doesn't matter because the group is discussing right now anyway. She thinks of all her attempts to talk to Thor five years ago. When she tried to be there for him, offering him a way to share his grief. But he had already kept out everyone back then and began to blame himself for what he couldn't have changed. [Y/N] wonders how many years he has been drowning his sorrows in alcohol alreaedy and she wishes that there'd be anything to help him, that she could be there for him in any way. But the time to help him is long gone. It's too late. The only person that can help Thor now is Thor himself.

It's already evening when they get to the Power Stone. They have ordered chinese take-away for dinner and listen to Rocket now, telling stories about planets they didn't even know exist.

When they get to the Soul Stone, night is over and a new day has begun. Nebula talks now, telling them about Vormir, continuing Rocket's story about worlds far away. "What is Vormir?" Natasha asks, writing down the most important notes.

"A dominion of death" Neubula answers. "At the very center of celestiar existence. It's where Thanos murdered my sister."


It is already evening again when they get to the Time Stone. And after they've collected all informations about the Infinity Stones, the group splits up to get some rest. Who didn't fall asleep during the past hours, sleeps now. All the new knowledge is exhausting, many new informations need to be processed.
Only Natasha, Tony and Bruce are awake and lay on the tables while they think about everything they know now. "That Time Stone guy..." Natasha begins.

"Doctor Strange" Bruce says.

"Yeah. What kind of doctor was he?"

"Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit-from-hat" Tony answers.

"Nice place in the village, though" Bruce says.

"Yeah. On Sullivan Street?" Tony asks.

"Wait. He lived in New York?" Natasha asks.

"No. He lived in Toronto" Tony says sarcastically whilst Bruce answers honestly already. "Uh, yeah. On Bleecker and Sullivan."

"Have you been listening to anything?" Natasha asks. "Guys. If you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York."

The two men are wide awake now, getting into a sitting position. "Shut the front door."

"I'm going to wake the others" Natasha says.


"I don't get it!" [Y/N] exclaims pouting when the whole team is back together, sitting at the conference table. In front of them, three fields light up on the screen. The left display shows New York with the Space Stone, Mind Stone and Time Stone. The middle field shows the Reality Stone on Asgard and on the far right are the Power Stone and Soul Stone in space, on Morag and Vormir. Six stones, three goals. And one shot.

In [Y/N]'s hands is a note, saying what team she belongs to and where to go but she's not pleased at all. "I'm sorry Cap. But why am I joining Bruce?" she asks when they talk about their plan.

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