Chapter 1.

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The sky was blue with a tinge of pink on Monday evening. Celine was just about to get off work at 6 pm.

As we all say, life is unpredictable. Sometimes out of all the blue, it offers you a golden opportunity, building castles on high skies but sometimes it offers you something worse to worsen your bad times, shutting down the slightest hope of light and you have no choice but to accept it and go through it.

She was packing her bag on her desk, and just then one of her colleagues interrupted.

'Boss is calling you in.' he informed.

'Now?' she questioned. The colleague nodded. She stood up from her chair and walked to the boss's office. As soon as she knocked on the door, she was asked to come in, opening the door, slowly, she stepped in. Inside, her boss, Mr Jordan was seated on his chair, as soon as she entered, he raised his eyeballs at her, glaring.

'You called me?' Celine asked. He nodded, resting back on his chair.

'Where were you today between 3- 3:30 pm?' he asked coldly, he sounded different, his tone almost scaring her? Did she do something wrong? She questioned herself.

'I was at the café, across the street.' She replied. 'It was break time, I suppose, so...'

'Just because it was break time, doesn't mean you can do anything?' he roared, her eyes widened.

'What did I do?' she asked, her voice shivering.

He chuckled. 'I'm not here to explain to you your crimes.'


'Anyhow, you're fired. Pack your stuff and leave.'

'But why?' she questioned, exclaiming. She couldn't understand what has happened between day and evening that now she is getting fired.

'Leave!' she exclaimed loudly. She rushed out of the cabin, as she walked back to her desk, most of her colleagues stared at her, making up storied and gossiping, she grabbed her things and rushed out of the office.


Travelling through the metro, she soon reached her desired stop, walking back to her home, all she could think of was her father, wondering what she'll say to him, Why did she got fired? Cause her boss assumes she's a criminal? How absurd it will sound, she thought to herself, but how absurd it may be, isn't it the truth? What in the world was her boss thinking? She sighed walking back to her house.

After a walk of few minutes, she reached very near, within a distance her house was visible, but the sight that caught her eyes, tensed her, the sounds aroused fear. Her house was surrounded by many people, police cars and ambulances were parked right in front of her house, horns were ringing loudly, she rushed at once towards her house. There was a huge crowd surrounding her house, her heart sank, wondering if her father was fine, making way through the crowd, pushing people aside she paved her way to her house. A bunch of policemen were standing at the gate of her house, the door was wide open. Two nurses were dragging a wheeled bed out of her house, a body was laid on it, covered with a white cloth stained with blood. Her heart raced as her sight caught the view, her feet rushed towards the bed, her eyes became teary, the nurses stopped as she approached the bed, she removed the cloth covering the face, her heart sank, her breath breaking as her eyes widened, the body laid was of her father.

'What happened?' she screamed, her voice breaking. The nurses frowned as they saw her, ignoring her. She tapped oh her father's face. 'Wake up!' she exclaimed, tapping his cheeks, tears rolled from her eyes like a never-ending river, she'd never thought of something as such happening? And how? She questioned.

One of the policemen, standing beside the door, walked to her.

'Miss Hensler, I suppose?' he tried confirming. She turned around as the voice approached her, wiping her face.


'Do you know what happened?' he questioned, his voice stern.

'No, how did all this happen?' she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

'Are you sure?'

'What are you trying to ask?' she questioned back. He nodded.

'Your father was murdered around 3:20 pm, he was stabbed three times,' Celine's eyes widened at his words, her breath heaving. 'I repeat three times at the back.' He said pressurizing his words.

'Do you have any idea about who did it?' she questioned.

'There's a footage we found of the hall of your house near the entrance door, there seems to be a lady, quite similar to you, stabbing from the back.' He informed calmly.

Her heart sank, what did he just say? Similar to her? How?

'What?' she whispered to herself.

'About an hour ago, the footage was shown to the crowd, to see if anyone recognizes, about 6o per cent of the people recognized that person like you, saying that they saw you in the morning wearing the same dress today.' He paused, observing her. 'Yoy ring the same dress must say.'

'But...' she stammered a little, completely confused, completely shocked.

'A group of people have already left to file a case against you, to clear your name find a lawyer within two days, the case will continue after that.'

'Wait...' she said breathing heavily. 'How can they simply blame me without any evidence? That's just wrong! I'm his daughter' her voice breaking, she broke into tears.

'To say, there's no real proof against you, we're not arresting you. But the community is somehow blaming you and has already filed a case against you based on that video, the case has to go on to clear the name.' he explained. 'But the person murdering is very similar to you, although there's no proof, it can be used in the court with few statements, be alert.'

She nodded. The police walked away, joining the other policemen. She turned around to have a look at her father again, the nurse had already taken the body into the ambulance. She fell to her knees, and as she broke into tears again, there was a hollowness in her chest, sucking her soul into darkness.

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