Chapter 3.

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Celine stopped at once and turned around.

He got up from his chair, 'Tonight, at 9 pm, we shall complete some formalities about the case at your house, not your neighbour's.'

'Thank you.' she replied, forcing a smile, still raging.

'You may leave.'

She left at once.

'Harold!' Richard called. Harold was his assistant.

'Yes sir.' Harold replied and walked towards Richard's desk.

'Any information about their address?' he asked.

'I'll check online. Many reporters have posted about this case, I'm sure we can get their address from any post.' Harold replied.


'But sir, why didn't you ask them?'

'That victim girl, she is filled with attitude.' he replied.

'Well, you started.' Harold said in low volume. Richard rolled his eyeballs at him.

'Sorry.' Harold lowered his eyeballs. 'Why did you agree to take their case? You don't fight for liars and criminals.'

'Do you think she is actually a murderer?' Richard asked.

'According to video footage, police reports and news reporters, yeah.'

'And according to you?'

'Still yeah. She is a high tempered one. High temper always can lead to crime.'

'Well, we'll see. Till then, living in the 21st century, thought of false evidence and a wrong community crossed my mind and so I've taken the case.' he said smiling to himself.


'Then find the address. And also, inform the police that we have taken the case. Ask them to proceed with the case in court '



Celine and Laura reached back their home. They informed the granny that MR. Fox agreed to take their case.

Granny informed them that this morning after they left, a bunch of policemen came to investigate Celine's house. They took many kinds of stuff with them to investigate.

The telephone rang.

The granny picked up the phone.

'Hello, ma'am. Can I talk to MS Hensler?'

'YEAH, yeah you can talk to her.' Granny handed over the phone to Celine.

'HELLO, I'm Celine Hensler.'

'I'm talking from the police department, be careful of what you speak. Everything will be recorded.'


'Have you finalised a lawyer today?' he asked

'Umm... yeah'

'Can we have his name?'

'MR. Richard Fox'

'Thank you. We simply wanted to confirm. We would also like to inform you that according to your lawyer, he has hired his own detective team and also a forensic team for further investigation. Any stuff taken from your house will be sent to MR Fox's office for investigation. Your house is no longer sealed from the police's side.'

'Okay, thank you for informing.'

The phone was hung up. Celine explained to granny what all the police had said.
After knowing that her house wasn't sealed anymore, she wanted to have a visit.'Should I like to go to my house? I want to.'

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