Chapter 33.

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The sun rose, uncovering the darkness of the forest, its rays penetrating into the canopy. The warmth of the rays drying the tears of the night, spread to every corner.

Darren held the handle of the metallic lid and pushed it, opening it, letting the rays splash in. Many men including Celine and Richard climbed up the ladder, Darren and Ryan followed, closing the lid. On the soil, many dry yellow leaves were scattered. With every step, some crackled, the trees were bright dark green, satisfying the eyesight.

'Today, by noon, our emperor will arrive.' Ryan informed. Richard nodded and looked back at him. 'Before the emperor and the main troop arrive at the palace, you both will have to enter as entertainers of the event.'

Celine furrowed her brows, 'Entertainers, as such?'

'Honestly, you people won't have to perform anything, that's just a disguise. The entry for performers will be open for two hours between 9-11 am. Only selected ones can enter.'

'But we aren't.'

'But you won't be stopped at the gate, the ones selected can only enter.' Celine nodded.

'Tomorrow evening, the event will be held. By tonight, midnight we'll fly a green lantern, it'll have a painting of a golden sun, write whatever you can find about the location of the troops and and send it through it.' said Darren.

'A lantern?' Richard questioned.

Darren nodded, he slid his palm inside the pockets of his baggy black pants, took out a metal carved out in the shape of the side face of eagle, made of copper. It was carved with beautiful details, vivid details. He took two of those out of his pockets and forwarded them towards them.

'I entrust you guys with these.' he spoke plating them on his palm, his eyes had warmth of loyalty and trust. They had no option but to trust, they should not let their trust fail, they surely shouldn't. Celine thought.

Celine furrowed her brows. 'What are these exactly?'

'Eagle tokens, official tokens which only can be kept by the nobles and the officials of the Grandelle.' Her eyes widened as his words approached her ears. 'You people will need this when you'll have to contact George.'

'Now who is he?' Richard asked as he sighed.

'Junior General, will be of a great help. He will enter the palace alongside the emperor.'

Richard nodded.

'Now take!' he exclaimed. Richard took them from Darren's palm, he handed over one to Celine.

'Hide it and keep it safely, don't let it fall into wrong hands.' Ryan warned raising his brows.


Celine and Richard were dressed up as their disguise, as performers. Celine wore a gown, bluish white colored, fit perfectly on her upper body, extending, forming an A shaped gown. Her brown wavy hairs were down and were decorated with colorful flowers, she looked mesmerizing. Richard wore a white colored harem pants and white leather clothed waist coat, perfect, complimenting his handsome face. His eyes widened at the beauty of Celine as she appeared heavenly gorgeous. He smiled to himself, his eyeballs were stuck, his heart raced, his ears turning red. She was slightly flushed as she noticed him glaring at her with warming eyes. With gentle steps as she walked towards him,warm air blew through them,a rush ran through their veins. For a moment, Celine felt attracted towards Richard, his warm glare, handsome face, they all seem to attract her more. Suddenly, at the wrong timing, a sharp loud voice interrupted.

'Come here!' Ryan exclaimed.
Hesitantly Richard turned at his right facing Ryan, he was standing a few tables away, few people surrounding him.
'Coming!' Celine replied, she looked back at Richard, he smiled softly, remained silent.
Thay walked towards Ryan.

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