Chapter 2.

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She was on her knees as tears continued to shed, and an old wrinkled palm slid on her shoulder. The touch alerted her, she turned her head instantly. A sigh of relief crossed her face as she saw, it was her neighbour. She was an old lady who lived with her granddaughter, their house was just beside Celine's house.

'D-Do you a-also..' Celine stammered and wasn't able to complete her sentence. The old lady sat on one knee beside her.

'Dear,' she said in a low gentle voice. 'Clean your face first.'

'B-but how? I don't have the slightest clue of what happened! all I know is that my father was perfectly fine this morning and she exclaimed, raging, breaking into tears again.

'Have some courage, you need to be strong.' the old lady said and wiped her tears gently, trying to calm her but it wasn't easy.

'I don't know anything about lawyers.' Celine said in low voice.

'First, clean up your face and have some courage. My granddaughter Laura will take you to some lawyers tomorrow. Have some rest, today. '

As tears never left her alone, they continued to rush down her cheeks, wetting her long lashes. The old lady hugged her, patting her back. 'Don't cry till you find the murderer. If you keep on crying how will you fight the cruel world out there? You alone have to fight this battle and find the real ruthless criminal who killed your father, I can only help you find a lawyer. I can only take you to the battleground, the battle, you'll fight that alone.' she advised.

She helped Celine get up and took her to her own house. No one was allowed to enter Celine's home as it was under investigation.

Celine kept crying for a long time, the tears kept wetting her face. Lying on the bed, in a dark room, she kept crying. She couldn't stop thinking about what had just and how has happened. Why did it happen? She questioned herself. She didn't want to believe what she has just seen, her father's dead body, now she is alone in this big world. No one to care for, no one for whom she should care. As she continued to deepen her thoughts,  she breathed heavily. There was a hollowness in her chest, a vacuum, a suction, sucking her soul deep into the darkness.
As time flew, tears dried and she slept.


She woke up on a wet pillow, and with a wet face. She got up from the bed, sighing heavily, washed up her face and got out of the room. The old lady was waiting for her at the table for breakfast.

'Come here. Have something. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday.'

'Thank you, granny. I'm good.' Celine replied.  As she saw granny, she remembered something about lawyers. Doesn't she need one? She recalled. She does need a lawyer, didn't granny tell me yesterday that she knows some?

'Yesterday, you were saying something about lawyers...when can I meet them?' she asked hesitantly. 

Granny nodded. 'Umm, I remember. Sit here. I'll tell you about it.'

She walked to the table and sat beside her on a chair right to the granny.

'There are three lawyers I know. MR. John Smith, is a good lawyer, an honest one. MR. David Rivera is also an honest rightful lawyer but an expensive one. He takes a good amount of fee. MR. Richard Fox only helps the innocent ones. He doesn't help liars, like the ones who are criminals but doesn't want to be proven. The good thing is, the fee is way too less, the only thing you have to convince us that you are innocent.' Granny explained.

'Hmm...It'll be hard to convince that because of the video footage, but I'll try.'

'Laura must be awake by now, she'll take you to the lawyers in her car. No need to travel by metro, at least today. You are not in a good state.'

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