Chapter 41.(Finale.)

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'Your Majesty, so what do you plan to do?' Charles questioned.

'I'll fulfill their demand.' Noah said deepening his breath. 'I'll inform.' Charles said bowing his head, Noah nodded, Charles walked out of the chamber. 

Noah turned around, towards his desk, beside which John stood silently, his eyes staring Noah, his eyes didn't appear fearful anymore.

'Did you let the letter pass?' Noah questioned, his voice stern and cold. John remained silent. 'Tell me, did you?' he questioned again, with a calmer yet stern tone. John nodded. 

'Are you out of your senses?' Noah roared, his voice echoing. 'You let the location of our troops pass to Grandelle! Even if you're against my morale, you're still from Floraelle!' 

'None of our soldiers have died, only defeated.' 

'Defeated, you idiot!' Noah inhaled and exhaled deeply again and again, lowering his anger. 

'They only intend to dethrone you and so do I.' 

'You're that eager to be on the throne that you colluded with the enemies?' Noah questioned gritting his teeth.

'You're the enemy of the very human existence, the enemy of humanity.' he said, silencing Noah. 'and they won't betray, I've that much track of them.' 

Noah nodded at his words slowly, not responding much as John's words did cut him from top to bottom but then they also triggered him, his anger, his ruthlessness.

'Who died yesterday?' Noah questioned, his breath heavy, his voice sounding ascetic. 

'So you know?' 

'Now I do.' he chuckled. 'All these years I never trusted you, for your principles were always against mine. Funny it is to think how right I was back then and wrong I am now, I gave you my trust for  a night and you snatched my light.' 

'What's the use of light when you can't follow it, don't you use it to roam the darkness?' 

Noah chuckled at his words. 

'Within time, you can be treated and be good again.' John said, lowering his voice, trying to change his father's mind. Noah's eyes rolled at him, flaming with anger, his fingers dragged the dagger out from its case, hanging around his waist, aiming at John, he threw the dagger instantly as his mind was exploding with anger,. The dagger penetrated through John's clothes and his flesh, just below his left shoulder, he hissed loudly, bending, his right palm grabbing the area below the shoulder, his eyes turning red, he stared back at him. 'You missed!' 

'Nah! I won't kill the future emperor of Floraelle.' he said. 'And remember, than being all saved by you, I'd rather die.' he spoke, his breath heavying, his eyes flaming.

'Father! Why don't you understand that you're wrong? There's always a second chance!' he said, still hissing slowly.

'Second chance, my foot! After planning to defeat me, you want to offer me a second chance! I don't need a second chance, I always win, I always win, I always will and I'll die after winning only.' he said, pressurizing his words, taking deep breath. John stared at him, not hating Noah, pitying him, wishing that somehow time could change and all can be good. For a moment, only silence echoed.

'Your Majesty!' a familiar voice approached their ears. Noah turned around at hearing the familiar voice, John tilted his head. The man's face was long and oval, his eyes were brown colored, brown hairs.

'Sam, what are you doing here?' Noah questioned curiously.

'He doesn't look like that Sam!' John exclaimed. 

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