Chapter 20.

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Tiny orange sparkles surround Celine and Richard. The mirror had turned completely white. An orange flash compels their eyes to be closed. As they closed their eyes they disappear along with the orange sparkles from the room.

Celine's eyes could see mist as far as her eyes could ever see. She couldn't see Richard and nothing else but mist.

Slowly the mist started to uncover the hidden scenario, she saw an unexpected view.

'Where are we?' Richard's voice crawled into her ears from behind. She turned back. Richard was standing, observing the place. They seem to be in a dark basement or a room. There was a dirty ground under their feet, a low ceiling above. There were four walls completing the cell they were in. There were no lights. One of the wall had a window covered by a dirty piece of cloth. Enough amount of light to be able to observe the place was coming through it.

'This is definitely not what I expected .' said Celine.

'Have we been cheated by uncle? Did he just brought us to some random place?'

'Who is cheating you?' a not so sharp, but a man's voice sneaked into their ears from the dark side of the room. Foot steps echoed in the silent dark room, as his face came into light, Richard recognised the man. He had curly brown hairs till shoulders, a brown beard. He was wearing cream colored baggy pants, black leathered boots till ankles, brown colored, cotton clothed robe till his knees and a cream colored waist coat on it.

'Uncle Robert?' he asked.

'Yeah, it's me.' the man replied.

'Where have you brought us?' he asked annoyed.

'Didn't you want to come here?'

'Not here!' Richard exclaimed.

'Boy! There's a whole new world outside this room. I brought you people here for safety purposes.'

Robert straightened his palm and rotated his fingers in a semicircular motion with a slight force. Three chairs, a table with four lightened candles appeared in front of him. 'Better?' he asked.

'It's good. Thank you.' replied Celine.

'Candles?' Richard sighed.

'Have a seat.'

Richard and Celine walked towards the chair. They sat and so did Robert.

'Why?' Richard asked.

'You both still have an identity in the human world, its not safe to directly walk on streets here. I brought you both here to tell you both a little about this place. Its safe in here, its my secret place.'


'To blend among the people here, first you'll have to change what you're wearing.'

'What are we supposed to wear then?' Celine asked.

'Let me explain you how this world works and what it is first.'

'Please.' said Richard.

'First thing to know, this is a complete new world, not a single country or kingdom. There are in total 6 kingdoms and each kingdom has numerous states under it. Right now you are in Kingdom of Lorendelle. Richard does belong to this kingdom. Ms. Hensler, you don't.'

'Can you tell to which kingdom I belong?' Celine asked.

'Well, when I managed to connect, I did get to know about your kingdom, you belong to maybe the Kingdom of Florelle.'

'The names of these kingdoms sound different.' said Richard.

'Hmm... what more you need to know is the trading system. The trading system here is quite different. Its not money. Its power.'

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