Chapter 24.

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The darkness sneaked out of the sky, rays of the sun covered. It flashed into the carriage through the window. Reddening the darkness in her eyes, bringing back from sleep, Celine's eyes opened, still in a daze. Right side of her neck was slightly painful because of the bent position of her neck, slightly she hissed. 

'You awake?' 

'Hmm.... we there yet?' 

'Sort of.' he replied. 

'When did you wake up?' 

'Just a while ago. Are you really planning on sneaking in?' he asked tensed.

'Yeah, kind of. What else can we do?' She replied as she yawned. 'You know they have enormous powers, sooner or later they can create an evidence which will prove me guilty and then I'll have to forever live here, not only that, I'll have to die as a criminal, I don't even wish to imagine that. We'll have talk out the situation to them.' 

'That doesn't mean we have to sneak.'

'What are you afraid of? I'm sure you might have sneaked into restricted areas a numerous times.' she said. 

He nodded with a side smile. 

The carriage was lowering down bit by bit, it was reaching nearer to the ground. As it continued to lower down, the feet of the bird soon touched the ground covered with green grass. The sky was bluish white, clouds were decorated, grass was waving slightly with the wind with bright yellow  sunshine flashing on them. It was the hill area of Floralle. They opened the door of the carriage, rays rushed on their faces. With one step after the other, Richard stepped down the carriage and so did Celine. They could see green grass laid till where their eyes could see, the plain seem to be huge, endless. They weren't able to figure out the direction they should walk to reach the main city area. 

From a distance, their eyes caught a man, an old man walking with his two horses alone on the plains. As he approached towards them, they also walked to them. He had grey hairs, wrinkles on his forehead and at the side of his eyes, his cheeks were baggy with freckles on his cheek. As they passeed by him, he stopped. 

'Hello grandpa.' Richard greeted with a smile. 

'I'm not your grandpa.' The man frowned. 

'We'll be grateful if you could lead us to the main city.' said Celine. 

The man looked at her. In a moment of time his eyes widened at her. He rolled his eyeballs at his feet and then looked at her again.

'Where are you people from?' he asked in an elderly shaking voice.

'Umm... from Floralle, this kingdom.' she replied. 

'Isn't this the main city of the kingdom?' he asked. 

'Sir, we need to know the direction to the city area, we do know this is the capital city.' Richard replied. 

'Are you hungry?' he asked. 


'Will you be needing a hotel to stay, maybe?' he asked with a tiny smile approaching his lips. 

'I suppose, yes.' Celine replied. 

'I can lead you, if you promise to stay in my hotel and pay me as soon as you reach there.' 

'That's cool.' Richard replied. 

'Hop on the horse then.' 

The old man hopped on one of the horses. Celine stepped  on the one step hanging, pulled herself up and hopped at the back. Richard hopped on the horse, Celine was seated. He sat behind her. 

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