Chapter 39.

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Richard deepened his breath and stood up, his face wet, wiping his face with his palms, he slid his fingers inside the cloak he had on. At the right side of his waist, his  bullet gun hung, he pulled it out, tightening his grip on the trigger, he raised his arm up high into the dark, cloudless sky, his eyes red. Raising the gun up high, without giving a second thought, he pulled the trigger, acting on impulse. The loud sound alerted the guards standing around him, they took their swords out at once turning towards him. He fired the bullet into the sky again. More guards took their swords out, pointing the tips of the blade at him. As eyes grew red and teary, he had no fear at that moment, fearlessly, raging he fired the bullets into the sky. 

'Who's creating a scene here?' a loud voice approached their ears which seem to be coming from the front, Richard lowered his gun. Low sound of footsteps approached his ears, guards moved to their sides, paving  the way for their Crown prince. With his palm, John directed the guards to lower their weapons. The guards paved his way to Richard. As Richard's eye caught the sight of John, he aimed his gun at him, at the left of his chest, John still continued to walk towards him, directing guards to lower the weapons. 

'So, it's a human.' said John as he stopped at a distance, front of Richard. 'I suppose you want to kill me.' he said. 

'Oh, I want to kill each one of you.' he replied gritting his teeth. 

'Then kill.' he said with a smile on his face, standing right in front. 

Richard furrowed his brows at his words, lowering his aim, he fired the bullet at his left leg, John hissed in pain as he bent slightly, all the guards at once dragged their swords out once, as they took their steps ahead, John raised his palm to stop them. Richard got confused at his action, but his mind wasn't functioning enough to reason it out. He hung the bullet at the side of his waist. his red staring at John with hatred and anger flaming.

'I'm going to teach you a lesson in your way.' he spoke. His words alerted John. Did he mean to use his powers? He thought to himself. Oh God! his mind exclaimed at him. As soon as those words alerted him, he  jumped with in an instant. With the help of his not wounded leg, turning around, he kicked Richard with his right leg causing him to fall on the ground, Richard's nose started to bleed. As he fell on the ground, slightly injuring his knee, he wiped the blood flowing form his nose at a very slow pace with his bare palms, his eyes stared at John with anger. He got up, John smirked at him, triggering him.  Richard ran towards him, punching him on the face again and again, John punched him back on the face, there came purple-bluish bruises at the side of his face. Pulling his collar, Richard dragged out the bullet gum, aiming at his head, his breath was heavy and breaking. 

'If you kill me here in public, you'll have to die just like your beloved.' he whispered. 

'I don't care about my death.' he replied, gritting his teeth., tightening his grip on the trigger.

'But you should care about is killing an innocent, just like my father.' 

'You're no innocent.' he frowned. 

'So you do insist on killing me with those metal pieces.' he smirked. 'It won't even take me a second to turn your weapon back to  you.' 

'I can fight your way too, but you can't fight my way.' 

'But your way is better, won't break people's assumption of you being mere human.' 

'You knew?' his breath deepened. 

'I also know that your pain's going to last only a night, you do know where to go, don't you?' he said. Richard's brows furrowed, his eyes widened, for a moment his grip loosened, his heart beat, deepening his breath. 'What do you mean?' he questioned, the last hope he had to once hear the answer his ears were aching for. A smile approached the side of John's lips, as he saw Richard's eyes widening, his wish, his fear was clearly visible. He pushed Richard slightly away from himself, Richard took a few steps back. 

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