Chapter 23.

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They stepped out of the graveyard through the black gate. With every step, the night was becoming darker but the moon shone brighter. With an upsetting weight on his chest he walked, there is never any way to lighten the weight but can only be covered up or can be hidden.

After a while of walking on the road, Robert stopped by a small local restaurant. 

'Why did you stop here?' asked Celine. 

'Well, aren't you guys hungry? If not, I am.' Robert replied and stepped in and so did they. The restaurant had a marble floor, brown roof with lamps hanging. The lightening was a bit dull, dull yellow. A classic old slow music was playing in the background. They sat on the left corner most table which had four chairs. They were wooden, the table cloth was ocean green and had plastic laid on the cloth. There were two menu cards already kept on the table. Robert slid the menu to Celine and the other to Richard. 

'Choose anything. Consider it my treat.' Robert said. 

'Treat!' Richard frowned. 'For what?' 

'For knowing what had happened and for knowing the next right thing, it is also a kind of blessing.' 

'Oh c'mon, nothing is a blessing! and how would you know what we are going to do is the next right thing to do?' 

'Trust your inner instinct, it arises for a very short time but is always right.' 

'Such instincts are imaginary, they don't actually exist.' he replied.

'Richard,  you have got to cheer up, you have many more things ahead of you to do and to focus on, death is inevitable. End of a life disturbs the existence of other life, and it always will but one day even the disturbed life has to end. Everything was made to end, it began only to end. One day, we'll all die, we'll turn into soil to only become one and united. Death is the most perfect ending for a existing life, its the destination we struggle for, we all have to go there. You, me and all. Perfect ending leaves the onlookers teary.' Robert explained. Richard nodded. 'Cheer up and focus on what you got to do.' 

Richard nodded again. 'I'm fine. I'm good. I was not that sad that you actually started to give leactures about death.' he said with a tiny rough smile. 

'Then order something. I'm starving.' 


They ordered many different kind of dishes, some were as same as that in the human world, some were different. They ordered some refreshing drinks, mint flavored. The service of the waiters was also quite fast and were dressed in green colored uniforms. They ate and drank till they can refresh their minds. 

'By when do you plan to leave?' 

'You tell, by when can we?' Celine replied. 

'Well, accordingly you guys shouldn't stay here for long. If you really have something to do there, you guys can leave by tonight.' 

'Can we?' 

'I did ask one of my colleague to prepare for the eagle carriage, by tomorrow morning you can reach Floralle.' Robert replied. 

'That would be great actually.' 

Robert nodded and slurped his drink. 

'Finish up, after that I'll take you to the carriage.' 


After a while of walk, they reached a plain area. It was a plain ground with green grass spread throughout. There was light except for dull moonlight. 

'Do we have to walk more?' Richard asked with unstable breath. 

'I guess we're there.' 

'Why did you make us walk such a distance?' 

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