Chapter 34.

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The carriage was riding on a not so smooth, a little bumpy road. Celine, Richard and Darren were seated inside the carriage, the curtains were on the side, side of the window, revealing the busy city. It was a quite ordinary carriage, like that belonging to common citizens of Floralle, no special marks or fancy curtains except for a tiny black colored mark, shaped as a sun, it was the symbol belonging to the local carriages of Floraelle, serving the purpose of security.

'How far is the palace area?' Celine asked peeping out the window. 

'Few minutes more and you'll be there.' Darren replied. 

Richard nodded. There was silence on the carriage, silence of fear. silence of nervousness, silence of preparation and silence of trust, all together ringing, racing heart beats.

Very soon, a remote area caught their sights through the open window, the road seem to be surrounded by huge bright trees, a few leaves scattered on the smooth grey road, bordered by many colorful flowers. A turn on the righ comes, which the carriage followed, the following path was surrounded by blue flowers, sharp tipped petals, within an instant Richard recognized the flowers, they were the Longevity of the Blue. The entire road leading further was bordered by these flowers and behind were the huge trees.

From within the distance, a huge gate was visible to their eyes. A grey gate, double doored about 6 foot tall, and about a meter wide. Even bigger was the frame, carved beautiful with vivid details. A certain kind of flower, its stem and leaves were carved all over the frame. Single door of the gate was open, as the carriage approached the gate, many carriages similar to theirs came into their sight. Many dressed men and women were coming out of the carriages and were entering. There were about 15- 20 guards standing, about 10 on each side. 

Their carriage stopped beside another one. Darren glared at them with eyes filled with trust.    'I'll watch till you guys enter from here, you both go.' he said with his calm, yet stern voice. They nodded, he smiled gently trying to calm them. He was aware of their fear and willingness. When these emotions mix, a person's mind reaches a state of restlessness. 

 Celine gulped in her saliva as her heart raced, knowing what to do yet nervous and fear crawling in, she stepped out of the carriage, deepening her breath, trying to calm herself. A warm palm slid through her palms gently, gripping tight on her palm. 'Calm down.' a whisper entered her ears, the voice always relieved her in tough times. She looked back at Richard's golden brown eyes and nodded as he stared right into her green eyes.

With steps forwarding, they approached towards the gate, blending among others. As they looked back, the sight of their carriage leaving caught their eyes, within time, it appeared smaller in size, as the carriage approached towards the turn, it left their sights. 

In front, with the royal guards, a fat bellied man, dressed in grey robes,  having a black mustache and black jelled hairs stood. Beside him, a thin young man dressed in brown robes, he had a bit messed up black hairs, seem to be obeying the fat bellied man.

One by one, people were entering the palace, Celine and Richard stood in the queue. Celine covered her face with a blue colored clothed mask, it could be risky to walk in the palace with an uncovered face. As people continued to enter, soon it was their turn. The man standing among the guards had a register in his hands and was asking one or two questions to all entering, serving the purpose of security, seem like it. 

'What are you two selected for?' he asked Celine and Richard. For a moment, the question confused them, didn't know what to answer. What if they answer wrong? They have to answer something, but Darren didn't tell them anything such, did he forgot or is it an unexpected question?

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