Chapter 7.

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After taking the mirror, Celine left.

Richard came out of his room.

'Did she leave?' he asked.

'Yeah...' his father replied. He was seated on the sofa.

'But, why didn't you tell me?'

'Why should I?' he smiled at him.

'Well, I wanted to ask her about...' 

'I asked her to leave. This time she didn't have any answers anyway.' his father interrupted.


Celine travelled back to her neighbour's home.

It was 6:30 pm.

'Any progress?' Laura asked. She was home and was sitting on the sofa with granny.

Celine looked at Laura and nodded.

'Yeah. There is...progress.' Celine replied in a dull tone.

'Everything good?' Laura asked.

'Hmm.' she said and went inside.

Celine closed her eyes and lay on the bed. She kept thinking about what had happened. She was a bit scared, a bit confused and all the feelings were mixed up. She couldn't think of what should she do next. 

She opened her eyes and sat. She took the mirror out of the bag she usually carries everywhere. She stared at the mirror for a while. It looked like any ordinary mirror would look. Maybe, that's the speciality about it. She even forgot to ask about how it works. 

She kept looking at herself through the mirror. Many thoughts occupied her mind as she stared at herself. Sometimes, she didn't wish to believe what was happening and wished for everything to turn out to be a nightmare. 

Flashbacks of Richard controlling her movement made her curious about her power. The attack made her confused about who superior humans are.

'How long are you going to stare at yourself?' a thin voice entered her ears without a warning. Celine stumbled.

She looked at the four walls of her room. She could see nothing but the walls. As her eyes looked at the mirror, she realized that she could no longer see herself in it. The mirror was there, but in it, her image wasn't.

Is the voice from the mirror? A strange thought disturbed her.

'What do you want to see? Tell me, but hurry up!' the voice said.

'Are you?' Celine paused. 'Are you the mirror?' She did feel stupid asking the question but she just couldn't shove off the thought.

'Who else?' the voice replied.

The words couldn't shock her more. She kept the mirror on the bed and jumped off the bed instantly.

'Damn! what is going on? ' Celine exclaimed. She started to jog as she wasn't able to handle the situation.

'What do you want to know? I am asking again.'  the voice asked.

Celine picked up the mirror and stared.

'Hurry up, lady!' the voice said. It sounded annoyed. Celine takes a deep breath.

'Okay mirror. I want to see the other world, the world of superior humans and I also want to know what actually happened when I went to that world.' 

'Choose anyone.' the mirror replied. 

'Anyone?' Celine paused for a while. 'OKAY. I  want to know what happened when I visited that world.' she replied after a good thought over the whole situation.

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