Chapter 9.

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'St. Johnson. Where exactly is it? Do you know?' He asked.

'No. We can find it on GPS, anyway.' She replied in a gloomy voice.

'Yeah, Should we check on her at school today?'

Celine looked at her watch, it was 1:30 pm.

'We do have time, but... I don't know.'

'Do you have some work to do, today?' He asked, to know if she have time or not, possibly forgetting about her getting fired or maybe he didn't know.

'What work can I have? I don't even have a job now.' She frowned.

'What was your job, anyways?' He asked casually.

'I used to work as a journalist. I used to travel places, gather information, I loved my job but then...'

'Then you got fired because of what had happened, right?' Richard interrupted.

Celine nodded.

'The first court trial will be after two days, we don't have time. We should try to find that girl as soon as possible.'

'Right, we don't have much time.'

'The schools might be closing soon, shall we go then?' She nodded and got up from her chair so did he. They walked out of the café and got into the car.
He rotated the key, started the engine and drove according to the directions of GPS.

As he kept driving according to directions they soon reached a place, not so populated. The place wasn't far but it didn't seem to have any school.

'Are we at the right place? This seems to be a remote kind of area.' She said, observing the area.

'I don't know.' He replied and stopped the car at that instant, grabbed the handle, pulled it open and got off the car.

'Well according to GPS, the school must be here.'

She got off the car too, looking around, observing the place. All they could see were some old houses. They seem to be abandoned empty houses.

A security guard, passed by them. Celine stopped him and asked him about the school. The guard pointed at one of the old seemingly abandoned houses, calling it the school.

'Are you sure, that's a school?' Richard asked.

'Yes, children have left about half an hour ago but I guess some teachers might still be in there. It's still open, you can check.' the guard informed, and they nodded. The guard continued to walk his way.

'What's the need to check, when the students have already left?'

'We can get her address.'

'Why to address?' she asked.

'Well, who knows, the next day, she might not come to school, or we might not be able to find her in the school. We should get her address. We can meet her easily and convince her to be a witness.'

They entered the house like school. Although, the school did seem to look like an abandoned house from the outside but was quite well built from the inside. There were 2-3 people, sweeping the floor. The classrooms were spacious with each class having 10-12 tables. The school didn't seem to have many students. As they were walking through the corridor, a teacher stopped them as she passed by them.

'Where are you two going? The school is about to be closed.' she said.

'Umm...we were here to meet someone.' She replied.

'Well, as you can see, the students have already left, come tomorrow.'

'Maybe, we cannot come tomorrow. So can we have her address or something, we need to meet her. Her name is Maria.' said Richard.

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