Chapter 5.

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Celine rushed back into her room as soon as she got back to her neighbour's home.

She looked at her palms, the crease was no longer green. She tilted the bottle to see what was written. She wanted to enter that world and see what was really in there.

There was a single sentence written.

'A single drop of blood can take you to where you belong.'

A drop of blood! She was confused how can a drop of her blood take her? Like what should she do? She read the sentence again. After a while of thinking, she thought of dropping the blood inside the bottle, or elsewhere should she? That was the only idea that approached her mind.

She opened the drawers to search for a blade. She couldn't find one but she was able to find some scissors. With the sharp tip of scissors,, she somehow managed to prick her thumb and dropped her blood in the bottle. As it slowly got mixed up with the liquid, the liquid turned dark green. She hesitated to take the sip of the liquid anymore. She closed her eyes and dropped a drop on her tongue. She closed her mouth.

As she opened her eyes, all she could see was green, nothing but green.

In front of her, a small creeper became visible. It started to grow, outlining a door. The leaves of the creeper became bigger.

She wasn't able to believe what she saw. A door behind the big leaves of the creeper became visible.

She looked down, under her feet was a big leaf and many other huge leaves were leading to the door. She gently stepped on one leaf and then the other, by the time she stepped on the last leaf, the door opened. Anything but the fog was visible behind the door. She entered.

As she stepped in, she could see a golden, shiny floor. Slowly, the fog started to disappear. The disappearing fog uncovered the hidden scene.

The golden shiny floor extended, till her eyes could see. As she looked up, at the very straight other ends, a big throne was there and on it, an old calmed face man was seated with a big golden crown embedded with gems. She could understand that he might be the king of this world. On his right and left there were seven men seated on each side. Why did she directly reach the courtroom? Is that easy here to meet the kings? That's just absurd. She wondered.

There was a black carpet with a design of green creepers on it, under her feet.

'We've been waiting for you.' A sharp voice entered her ears.
Waiting! That's strange.

'My greetings to you sir.' Celine said and lowered her eyes.

'Come here.' he asked her to walk a little nearer, the place was very huge and spacious. She walked and stopped about 5 metres before. No one was allowed to cross the 5 m distance.

'Hmm... I suppose you have already read the letter written by your father.'

'Yeah.' she was looking down at her feet. She was confused. She didn't want to take the blame. She somehow understands that if she takes the blame, the consequences would be much worse than she could imagine.

'The process is long and somewhat a bit painful too, but later we can provide you with everything you need.'

'Thank you. I have something to say. Do I HAVE your permission?' she asked calmly.

'You have.'

'I don't wish to take such a false accusation. I don't want to settle in this world.' she said what she wanted to say. She wasn't aware of his reaction, although she doesn't know how he would react, she still said it. She didn't want to escape the situation.

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