Chapter 12.

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Maria washed her hands and came out of the washroom. Celine was waiting for her to come out. She wanted to have a look at her again. She thought that she might be scared for no reason. She might have just not noticed her eyes before. She wanted to talk with her.

As Maria walked out, Celine's eyes noticed her black eyes again. There was something different about her, which she didn't notice about her during the daytime. As the night became darker, she could sense something was wrong, she just couldn't say what.

'Are you fine, now?' Celine asked in a low tone.

'I'm good.' she said and smiled weirdly. The problem stuck in Celine's mind was, that she could sense something weird and not good but she wasn't able to figure out a reason, black eyes and smiles aren't supposed to be weird, logically. For some reason, those simple things appeared scary to her.

'I'm hungry, you have something meaty to eat?' asked Maria.

'Something meaty? Well, there is some meat in the fridge but I don't exactly know how to cook it well.' she said and paused as Maria kept staring at her. Her stare was disturbing. 'Richard brought something for you to eat, maybe sandwiches, do you want some?'

'Good, where are they?' she asked.

'I kept them on the table, in the hall room.' Celine said. Maria didn't bother to respond and walked towards the hall room. The plastic bag was still on the table. She opened the bag. There were four meat sandwiches and two cans of cold drinks. Maria unwrapped the sandwich. Celine came into the hall room. As Maria unwrapped it and started to eat, she was eating very impatiently. As she was biting, she was drooling and was stuffing her mouth without a break and breath. As the sky darkened, the darkness in her eyes deepened. As she finished one sandwich, she started to unwrap the other one. It was a horrifying scenario to look at. Celine rushed out of the hall room and went inside her father's room. It was next to her room. She closed the door and locked it from inside. The room was completely disturbed because of the forensic team's work. She came in to search for something. Something which can help her. Her father hid in the human world for 30 years, she thought he must be having something for self-defence or anything which could somehow help her. After what she saw, she was uneasy. She opened and searched all the possible drawers, she checked below the bed, the drawers. She opened all the doors of the cupboard and searched. She checked the pillows and the bedsheets, she could find nothing. Then, a thought crossed her mind that she's been checking everything that can be seen. His father wouldn't probably hide something in a place, which would be easier to find.

She searched the cupboards again. She removed all the clothes hanging. She touched the inside back of the cupboard. As she slid her palm on the inside of the cupboard, she could feel a handle, a small handle. It wasn't visible to her eyes but she could feel the handle, she could sense it. She caught the handle tight and pulled it towards her. The inside back of the cupboard slid upwards. She never imagined, her father had such a secretive cupboard. As it slid up, there was a normal-sized briefcase, brown coloured, leather-covered. She took the briefcase out and placed it on the bed.

As she opened the briefcase, there were three visible sections. Two large sections, parallel to each other and a small section below the two. One of the large sections had tiny blades, and numerous blades, the other section had a huge bottle containing some sort of potion. The smaller part had rings. Celine picked up a ring to see which kind of ring it was. The ring seemed to be made of normal metal and plain, but it had a vacant tiny thin space in between the metal. A space for fitting something. Near the thin vacant there was a tiny metal, shaped like a V. It was movable. She tried to press one side of the V and checked the inside of the vacant space. It was connected. The metal V was connected to the vacant space. She understood that the place would fit the blades. She remembered the time when the blades were shot at Richard. These rings and blades seem to be the same weapon. The bottle seemed to have the poison, Richard's father told about. There was a tiny tool kept among the blades. Celine took the bottle out and opened it. An unpleasant smell came out of the bottle. She used the tool to pick the blade and dipped the blade inside the bottle. As she took the blade out, it was covered with a shiny, sort of waxy layer. With the help of the tool, she dropped the blade into the space in the rings. As the blade was dropped, it was automatically fitted. She did the same for two more rings and wore those. She closed the briefcase and kept it in its place, she threw the clothes inside and closed the cupboard. She took a deep breath, unlocked the door, closed the lights and went out of the room. She locked the room from the outside.

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