Chapter 21.

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'Okay then stand up you both.' Robert said. Celine and Richard got up from their chairs.

'First, I'll try to transfer some of my powers.'

'If you transfer your some powers to us, won't your status change?' Richard asked.

' Mediocre status varies starts from 80 powers till about 500. Above 500 are the ones called the high class.'


'Okay. Richard, first you. Stand straight and close your eyes.'

Richard takes a step forward, takes a deep breath and closed his eyes. Robert walked to him. He closed his eyes. He folded three fingers of his right palm and pressed the two fingers on Richard's forehead, right above his nose with force.

At the point pressed by Robert on Richard's forehead, Richard felt two forces entering his mind crossing the layers of skin and flesh. Robert continued to press harder, the forces rushed into his blood, surrounding his veins, mixing, forming clots and causing necessary unavoidable blasts of the clots. The forces intensify causing him a pain around his ribs. The two forces continue to rush over his body, Richard hissed loudly. Robert removed his fingers.

Richard coughed and spit some blood out of his mouth, it dripped on the floor. He almost fell on his knees, Celine held his arm, preventing his fall. She patted his back gently, he coughed and spitted more blood. His breath became heavy. His eyes turned red as his eyeballs rolled at Celine's face, he gazed at her. She felt his gaze and left his arm hesitatingly. He fell on his knees and hissed silently.

'Why did he just spit BLOOD?' Celine asked.

'There's nothing to worry. This is normal for a half human and half superior.'

Richard sat on the floor slowly, hissing silently in a not so severe pain.

'What's the real difference between us? I don't understand. I mean, I still hold powers.' he asked in low voice.

'The difference is of blood. Blood is different. You have a normal blood of a human. When it comes in contact with powers, it clots.'

'Clots? Is it dangerous?' Celine asked.

'Not really, he just spitted the blood which was getting clot because of the power. He'll be fine till a mediocre status. Superior's blood can be mixed with powers and so you'll be fine.' He explained. 'Now it's your turn.'

Celine closed her eyes . Robert pressed the tip of the two fingers on Celine's forehead. He continued to increase pressure bit by bit.

Celine felt forces rushing all over her body, increasing her energy, exciting her energy making her blood flow accelerate at a faster rate. She deepens her breath to stable herself. As Robert removed his fingers, a slight force pushes Celine back, with a few steps back, she restrain herself from falling. She opened her eyes.

'How are you feeling?' he asked.

'Stable enough.' she replied.

'Hmm...' he paused. 'Are you good Richard?'

'I'm good.' he replied and stood slowly. 'Hundreds of bullets have passed through my skin and flesh, some powers won't do me harm.'

'Good. There's a room at the right corner.' he said picking the candle from the table and holding it towards his right wall in the dark. The candle light brings a door in vision 'Inside there are clothes for you both. You can change there.'

Richard nodded.

'Do you need to go to Floralle?' Robert asked.

'Yeah, I suppose.' Celine replied.

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