Chapter 32.

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If we have already taken failure into consideration, then why not take it after a good risk, worth a failure, Richard thought. They said all people registered cannot enter the forest nor the palaces, weren't they registered too, how did they enter? 

'Can I ask something?' Richard questioned them, he was confused. What happened? What was happening? Many questions had occupied his mind and has influenced his thoughts. 

'Sure.' replied Ryan.

'You guys said, you people were also registered at the time of entering the city. How did you guys manage to set yourselves here?' Richard's question alerted Celine's senses. she found it strange too, her brows furrowed as she stared at Ryan and Darren. 

'Just as I told, Stephan executed the barrier, the barrier is also under the control of Stephan. He stopped the working of the barrier for a while.' 

Richard nodded. 

'Then why doesn't he do the same for the palace barriers?' Celine questioned. 

'If he stops the barrier for the forests, there's a rare chance for someone to know about it, but for palace, for every door there's one such a barrier, if he does do the same, it would hardly take a minute for someone to know about it.' 

Celine nodded as his words approached her ears, relieving her. 

'Its fate, to meet people not registered at the right time, taking advantage is a responsibility.' said Ryan. 

'If taking advantage is your responsibility, we'll make sure you don't fail fulfilling it but you have to...' Richard was interrupted by Darren. 'I'll tell you what happened that day. Something tells me, you lost someone in that incident. '

'There's enough time for the sun to rise, a cup of tea could warm the cold night, want some?' Darren stared at Ryan at his words. Ryan walked towards the hug pot made of clay. He removed the wooden lid, warm vapors arouse, reaching the roof, spreading the fragrance. 


'Major part of the incident took place 30 years ago, when the two kingdoms were at war.' said Darren. 

'30 years?' Celine questioned herself, whispering. 

'One of our city governor rebelled our kingdom and colluded with Noah.'

'Why?' Richard asked with curiosity. 

'Our kingdom was at downfall, with very chances of winning the battle, when a kingdom fails a war, it gets destroyed brutally, the fear make many rebel and so did Sam.' 


'Sam Green, ex-city governor.' The name slightly panicked Richard. He remained silent, yet his breath were getting heavier. For this long he didn't know a thing. Why? Silently he questioned himself. 'The complete name, couldn't be a coincidence.  After many efforts, Grandelle somehow won, Floralle lost. More than half of its cities came under our control. Sam was exiled and was sent to human world, that was the time, when Damon was the General of Floraelle, Noah blamed Damon for losing the war and tagged him as a traitor. The dark nights helped him escape, there was no trace of him until now, many times he was found, royal soldiers never caught him, most of the time they didn't find him, sometimes they didn't will to. '

Celine stared at the table as her eyes were becoming wet. 

'Almost 24 years later, six years ago, Sam contacted Noah informing him about many other superiors living in the human world, he informed about as many as possible also informing a bit fake good details about their strength. On one cold night, many superiors appeared in their kingdoms and all died at the same time after a while, they were killed by the dark guards of Floraelle. The man and a woman from Leorendelle both were blamed for a murder, the man died as a penalty of  a murder in South Asia, whereas the women was murdered by Sam, Sam Green. I supose you wanted to know about the women from Leorendelle?' 

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