Chapter 27

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'Please, explain in detail. What happened next?' Celine questioned pressurising her words.

James sighed. 'What happened took not only your parent's lives but also vanished almost 5 cities of Grandelle.'

'Vanished?' Richard asked.

'It was not many months since Damon had the control over the court, not because he manipulated but because people recognised him for his power. In the beginning, Noah did like Damon, as he obeyed him. Over time, Noah thought that Damon was not obeying him because he was right and all but was instead pitying him because he was weak. He wanted people to accept him because he was right not because Damon thought he was right. At a certain point, he was frustrated but even then the situation was not that bad. Situation worsened when he decided to cure himself, there was never a cure. Even if there was one, it was almost impossible or a ruthless cure. One of the oldest royal doctor advised a cure, it was to transplant another bone marrow. He needed to change his bone marrow, he wanted a bone marrow which can make the most finest quality of blood. The day he got to know about such a cure, he was after Damon, after many people.' He explained.

'Transplant of a bone marrow, as far as I know can be a permanent cure at an infant stage but at this age, it is only a temporary cure.' said Celine.

'Sometimes, it cannot cure. He wanted Damon's bone marrow. He killed him for himself. A mistake was made by Damon, thirty years ago. He took advantage of it and tagged him as a traitor and beheaded him. For years, he searched him, not for justice. When I tried to defend Damon, my position was snatched away. During these past years, when Damon was in the human world and Noah was not able to track him, he experimented on many others. Ruthlessly, disguised, he killed people of Grandelle without a blink.'

'Why Grandelle? Was there a purpose to choose people from Grandelle?' Richard asked curiously.

'Since past 15 years, it has been the most powerful kingdom, having largest numbers of cities under its rule. After vanishing five cities, Floralle became the largest kingdom. It is said in tiny towns that a mysterious monster vanished those cities of Grandelle, people of Floralle fear its arrival, little do they know that they are being ruled by that monster. After, Damon died, he still wasn't able to cure himself. After every transplant, his powers boost for about a day or two and then his blood starts to clot to a great extent. To gain power, he even tortures himself. For all the time he was bullied, he wanted to avenge. He didn't harm people who mocked him, he killed who respected him instead.'

'Does he not fear death? He have to die one day, what's the need of power? Why kill ?' Celine questioned as her voice shivered. Hatred arouse in her mind and heart, she couldn't shove the thought of her father being stabbed in the back by Noah, the thought was breaking her.

It takes an entire lifetime to build happiness but less than a second to destroy all. Today's world has come to such a point that all goodness and kindness now appears to be foolishness, where someday it used to considered as the act of God. The act of Satan, now appears to be the act of smartness, the act of intelligence, the act of bravery. Today's world has turned into a chaos, no matter which world, whose world.

'He regards his personal royal guards as angels protecting him from the angels of death. Perhaps, he assumes death will have to knock before entering into his life. When a person, first walks on a wrong track, a part of his soul warns, if he ignores and continues to walk, the eyes of his soul turn blind.'

Silence echoed, as James ends his sentence. Celine's mind was silent, not knowing what to do next, knowing what has happened disturbed her, raged her at the same time scared her. But what should she fear? Noah? Death? There's no one for whom she should live, there's no purpose, if there is, there's only kill. Can she? Probably can't. Acceptance of failure without trial leads to regret, failure after risk can only satisfy. If she has to fail, why not after a trial. Her hatred and anger was racing the flow of her blood, she has to do something, she cannot be silent and sit scared before such a person. Her thoughts were scaring her, pounding her heart, breaking her mindsets, she deepened her breath slowly.

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