First practice

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Sua's pov:

A few days have passed. Siyeon and her had decided to keep the engagement a secret for now.

"The time will come when everyone gets to know it." Sua thought. "We have other things to focus on right now."

She was currently in one of the many churches in the city and searched for a possible hideout. A few other Werewolves were in the building too.

"I hate churches. It always seems to be cold inside of them" Sua whispered and examined the wall for a hidden mechanism, but there was nothing to be found.

"I think this one is clean." One of the other Werewolves said.

Sua nodded in agreement and looked at the tired faces of her friends.

"Do I look as tired as they do?" She asked herself.

A quick glance at her wristwatch told her that it was long after midnight.

"Siyeon will already be fast asleep." The small girl thought and turned to the door.

"Okay let's wrap it up, boys. I want to go home." Sua said and yawned.

She sent a quick text to her clan leader that the church was clear.

"Another one crossed of our list, but how many other places do we have to search to find our enemy, and what will happen if we do?" Sua asked herself, as she walked to the exit.

She was tired from her day job and these night missions.

"At least I don't have to do this every day." She sighed.

Sua and Mrs. Park had talked about the situation and Mrs. Park agreed that Sua only helped on Mondays and Wednesdays. For Sua it was a relief. Next week the training will start and Y/n will need her help. Although Y/n would never admit it. The other Werewolves came out of the church as well and joined her at the parking lot. They said goodbye to each other and one by one drove away in their car. Sua was the last one who got into her car. For a brief moment, she had a feeling that someone was watching her, but it was soon gone.

? Pov:

It was hiding in the darkness and watched the Werewolfs drive away. Only one of them was left. It was a short woman with brown hair. 

"She is pretty, not gonna lie, but soon she will be dead like every other Werewolf in this city and hopefully on this planet." The creature thought.

His task was to observe the Werewolfs search and lay false tracks if needed, but it seemed that the Werewolfs were not so smart after all and didn't find the hidden basement. A lot of the Skugga's information and plans were stored in that basement.

"Lucky for us." The creature whispered and pulled its hood farther down its face, as it watched the short woman drive away.

A day later:

Dami's pov: 

She was done with work and was currently cleaning the house. A little bit excited about later, she brushed the last piece of dust away from the bookshelf. 

"Today the first training lesson will be held and I'm curious how Y/n will be as a teacher." She thought.

Y/n had put all of the students in a group chat and texted them the location and time. Dami knew Y/n was nervous as hell, but also that she would give her best.

Dami was in the middle of storing the cleaning utensils back in the cabinet when the doorbell rang.

"Who might that be?" She thought and walked slowly to the front door.

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