Chapter 21: Oikawa?

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It's been almost over two weeks since Oikawa last spoke to Isuzu and Iwaizumi. And three weeks since the announcement of the child Ivy had been carrying wasn't his on the media.

The fall tournament had begun and Oikawa's team had already played three matches. Oikawa would have it all together up until the last toss and win but when he'd go home he'd break down.

That's why he'd been staying late at the gym and practicing serves. And sometimes Jake would stay back with Oikawa to work on some of the sets.

Today was one of those nights. And Oikawa sat on the bench having water when Jake walk up to him.

"So are you going to tell me?" Jake said wiping his forehead with the towel around his neck.

"Tell what?" Oikawa asked putting the bottle on the side.

"What're you thinking?" Jake asked.

"I need to work on my line shots..." Oikawa said pouting. "It's been a while since I've done th-"

"That's not what I'm talking about..." Jake sighed loudly.

"Then?" Oikawa asked.

"Bro you've been more chirpy than usual with everyone....and I can see right through it." Jake said shaking his head. "You know you can let your guard down around me, right?" Jake asked.

"What guard? I'm perfectly nor-"

"Oikawa," Jake said looking Oikawa dead in the eyes. "Cut the crap, okay? I can see your hurting. I can see you putting up your over the top chirpy act around others but it doesn't work with me okay? So talk to me damn it!"

"Jake I'm fine." Oikawa said.

"No you're not!" Jake's voice echoed in the empty gym. "Would you just open up to me? Oikawa you've lost like gods know how much weight, I can see your ribs when you change, your eyes have got bags underneath them your over working yourself to the point you nearly fainted yesterday and yes I saw you grip the railing on your way out."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Oikawa said standing up a bit to fast almost losing his balance but didn't let it show. So Jake wouldn't be able to prove his point.

"Bro you almost fucking fell just now!" Jake exclaimed.

"I just got up too quickly." Oikawa contradicted.

"You need to talk to someone and I've told you multiple times that you can talk to me." Jake said sighing. "But you don't want to talk to get professional help, please Oikawa I can't stand to watch you like this-"

"I don't need anyones help." Oikawa said loudly. "I am fine, I'm absolute-fucking-ly fine got it?"

"No you're not!" Jake contradicted.

"Look, I know you love him, fuck you love him so much that you've forgotten about taking care of yourself and that's not okay, okay?" Jake said.

Oikawa didn't say anything.

"But if he doesn't show the same amount of love towards you, you need to move on-"

"I CAN'T!" Oikawa shouted. "I just fucking can't." Oikawa whispered the second part.

"Why the fuck not??"

"I fucked him over once and I promised I wouldn't ever do it again and I still did...he fucking hates me and I fucking hate myself so much-"

"Oikawa-" Jake cut Oikawa off but Oikawa continued.

"All I can think about his him all I c-can do is mess things up between us. The universe gave us another chance and I let it slip from my hands just like that..." Oikawa's voice started to crack up.

"Look Oikawa maybe the universe has something else planned out for you-"

"No, you don't understand he's always been there for me and when he needs me I've never been there for him!" Oikawa shouted out as tears filled his eyes.

"Fuck!" Oikawa cursed whipping his stray tears.

"Hey," Jake said walking over to Oikawa. "It's alright you can cry in front of me."

Jake wrapped his arms around Oikawa as he sobbed into Jake's shoulder.

"I know I'm a idiot ." Oikawa said sniffling.

"No you're not, we'll you kinda are but I can't say you're entirely an idiot, idiot ugh I don't even know what-"

"Lol," Oikawa said.

Jake erupted in laughter.

"Bro, you gotta stop saying lol." Jake said chuckling.

"I know, but it's a weirdly addictive word." Oikawa said chuckling.

"Now that you seems to be looking a bit better, care to tell me what happened." Jake said.

"Um, I told you what happened-"

"No, I mean from the beginning, I want to know everything about you twos past so I can get a better understanding of things."


The next hour or so Oikawa sat and told Jake awkwardly his love story with Iwaizumi and it made him tear up every now and then but Jake would hug Oikawa and calm him down before he'd continue again.

"I did not expect there to be so much history...." Jake said stretching his arms over his head. "I don't think I even remember my first girlfriend in high school...Maybe her name but I don't even know how'd she look right now or what's she's been up to..."

"It's very romantic though." Jake said.

"I wish things could've gone the right way cause then honestly this would be a better love story than Romeo and Juliet."

"Okay now you're exaggerating it." Oikawa said chuckling.

"No bro, seriously and you're one hell of a committed man like you didn't date anyone after that it's hard to 8 fucking years did you just masterbate?" Jake asked rising a eyebrow.

"Im not answering that-"

"You just did!" Jake exclaimed laughing.

"Come on," Oikawa said as he stood up from the floor. "Let's go it's past midnight and we've got practice early tomorrow.

"Okay let's go." Jake said as he hopped on his feet and hung his left arm around Oikawa's neck.

On their way out Oikawa offered to give Jake a ride home cause Jake's car had been an the mechanics for an oil change.

The car ride was interesting with Jake asking all type of intimate questions from Oikawa about how they do it who's the top and who's the bottom and all and Oikawa awkwardly kept changing the topic but he didn't entirely mind it too much as he felt he could be a bit open with Jake.

"Iwaizumi is the top." Oikawa said as he turned into the lane Jake's house was on.

"Isn't the taller one supposed to be on top?" Jake asked.

"Don't ever say that in front of Iwachan hell explode." Oikawa laughed.

This was the first time he'd been able to say Iwaizumi's name without cracking up.

"Does he have a an issue with you being taller?" Jake asked.

"You should've seen him when I first grew him out." Oikawa chuckled. As he stopped in front of Jake's house.

"Thanks." Jake thanked Oikawa as he got out with his duffel bag.

"Have a good night!" Jake said as he waved Oikawa night standing on the pavement.

"You too!" Oikawa called out.

Jake's a good friend no?

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