Chapter 27: Never

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It's around 6pm and visiting time is almost up when Iwaizumi wakes up. He'd fallen asleep sitting on the chair next to Oikawa in the hospital bed. Looking out the window he sees the sun has started to set. The hues have started to change from yellows and oranges to blues and purples.

Sighing Iwaizumi stood up and stretched his arms above his head. Before looking down at the sleeping Oikawa on the hospital bed.

"You're taking your sweet time aren't you." Iwaizumi shook his head as he turned around.

As Iwaizumi was about to walk past the hospital bed he checked his phone to see if Isuzu had messaged him as it's probably early morning time in Japan.


Iwaizumi eyes popped as he dropped his phone and his head turned towards Oikawa's who's eyes were slightly opened as he reached out a hand towards Iwaizumi.

"Dip shit!" Iwaizumi cursed as his eyes teared up and he lunged forward to hug Oikawa.

Oikawa let out a grunt in pain as Iwaizumi hugged him.

"You're actually he-here?" Oikawa asked as he teared up.

"Yes your fucktard!" Iwaizumi said as he hugged Oikawa tighter. "I thought I lost you...bastard!" Iwaizumi said as he pulled away from the hug and grabbed Oikawa's face in both his hands.

"Not gonna get rid of me that fast..." Oikawa smiled weakly.

"I'm going to get the doctor alright?" Iwaizumi had just said when a nurse came in.

"Sir, visiting hours are o-" the nurse stopped before ending her sentence. "I'll get doctor Hemings." The nurse said as she exited the room frantically.

"Yes, thank you!" Iwaizumi said letting go of Oikawa's face and turning towards the nurse but she'd already left.

"Iwa.." Oikawa said shaking. "I can't sit up. Why can't I sit up???" Oikawa asked hysterically.

"Oikawa-" Iwaizumi started but Oikawa cut him off.

"I can't feel my leg-"

"Is the patient awake?" Doctor Hemings asked entering the room with the nurse behind him.

"WHY CAN'T I FEEL MY LEG IWA?!??" Oikawa shouted panicking. "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I FEEL MY LEG??!"

"Oikawa, you were in an car accident-" Doctor Hemings said gulping. "We had to do an emergency surgery-"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN??" Oikawa asked loudly still panicking to why he couldn't feel his lower body.

"Your right leg was crushed completely and we-" Doctor Hemings was explaining when Oikawa started to tear up and shaking firvously.

"No! Iwachan tell me this isn't true!!" Oikawa pleaded looking at Iwaizumi who stood next to Doctor Hemings with his lips in a fine line and Iwaizumi put a hand on his mouth as his lips started to quiver.

"Iwachan say something! Iwa..." Oikawa asked Iwaizumi but Iwaizumi closed his eyes and shook his head.

"NO! NO! NOOOO..." Oikawa started breaking down and started pulling the wires attached to his head, and arms.

"Oikawa, Oikawa!" Iwaizumi said as he grabbed a hold of Oikawa's head. "Look at me Oikawa." Iwaizumi told Oikawa but Oikawa was in tears hitting his head with his hands.

"Iwa...IWAAA!" Oikawa cried loudly.

"It's going to be alright..." Iwaizumi said as he hugged Oikawa who was sobbing loudly.

"!" Oikawa shouted as he broke down completely in Iwaizumi's arms. Hugging back Iwaizumi Oikawa cried loudly with eyes closed he hugged Iwaizumi tight and tight but Iwaizumi didn't mind he let Oikawa hug him to death.


Me: Hey! I updated :)
Readers: omggg *reads the new chapter*
Me: I love you all <3
Readers: 🔪

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