Chapter 38: Worry wort

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"I miss you too Zuzu," Iwaizumi said into the phone. "I don't know, it depends on how uncle Oikawa's condition." Iwaizumi told Isuzu over the phone.

"Now don't forget to do your homework, and you've got your appointment on Wednesday the 6th." Iwaizumi told Isuzu checking the calendar on his laptop. "It's at 3pm-"

That's when Iwaizumi remembered the next week was Isuzu birthday.

"Hey Zuzu, I might not be there for your birthday-are you sure? I'll FaceTime you at midnight, okay?" Iwaizumi told Isuzu.

"Okay. Love you too Zuzu." Iwaizumi said over the phone to Isuzu before hanging up.

"Was that Zuzu?" Oikawa asked as he used the walker to come into the living room.

"Hey! Didn't I tell you to not move your leg or the bandages would-"

"Her birthday is coming up, right?" Oikawa asked cutting of Iwaizumi.

"November 14th." Iwaizumi said as he closed his laptop.

"That's like right around the corner." Oikawa said as he walked towards the sofa where Iwaizumi was sitting. "Can't believe its been over two months since my accident...."

"Time did fly.." Iwaizumi said as he stood up. "Now let's get you back to bed." Iwaizumi said as he walked up to Oikawa.

"Are you still on time off??" Oikawa asked realizing that he hadn't seen Iwaizumi doing nothing much then taking care of him daily.

"I'm doing online consulting." Iwaizumi told Oikawa as he helped Oikawa turn around towards the bedroom's door.

"When? I haven't seen you once-"

"It's usually after midnight...cause time zones." Iwaizumi told Oikawa.

"And you still wake up at 6am!!" Oikawa exclaimed. "No wonder you've got bags underneath your eyes!!" Oikawa said just realizing how Iwaizumi's eyes have started to get dark circles underneath them.

"I take naps when you're asleep." Iwaizumi said rolling his eyes.

"Still!! That's not enough sleep!!"Oikawa argued back.

"Okay mister worry wort," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"You should head back..." Oikawa said as he looked past Iwaizumi into the balcony. "It's probably for the best-"

"You don't want me here?" Iwaizumi asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"What? No! I mean like I want you here but Zuzu also needs you, you know. Plus, I've had you for over two months she must miss you." Oikawa said pouting.

"She has been mopping around lately according to Suzuki...." Iwaizumi said thinking back.


Oikawa said throwing his hands up and losing his balance and almost falling face first but Iwaizumi caught him.

"CAREFUL!!" Iwaizumi said loudly. "This is why I can't leave you! You're a dumbass!" Iwaizumi said helping Oikawa stand back up.

"I'll be fine-" Oikawa was cut off when his phone started ringing from the bedroom.

"Let's get you back in bed." Iwaizumi said as directed Oikawa's walked to the bedroom.

As they made there way back to the bedroom Oikawa debated in his head how he'd be able to convince Iwaizumi to go back to visit Isuzu for her birthday. And in reality Iwaizumi has become a bit more over protective and barring.

"Hello?" Oikawa answers the phone when Iwaizumi hands Oikawa the phone.

"How're you doing my boy?"

It was coach.

"I'm good but have been better ya know...." Oikawa said into the phone.

Iwaizumi walked outside of the room giving Oikawa space to talk on the phone.


It's been a hot minute...

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