Chapter 25: Clean?

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Iwaizumi stood outside Oikawa's apartment door. The key in one hand the duffle bag in the other. He knew she wasn't there, not anymore. But it still didn't feel right to Iwaizumi.

Jake told Iwaizumi the whole story. Staring with how Oikawa got drunk at a get together at the bar and he'd mistakenly taken that women home with him. To when Oikawa found out about her being pregnant and was completely against it but he felt like he was obligated to doing what was right and that was to let her move in at the time as the paparazzi had taken things a bit too extreme such as stalking her and so on.

Then to when when Oikawa found out that she was an ex of one of their friends and that they'd been in a relationship just weeks before she's ended up sleeping with Oikawa. Thus, bringing up the question was the baby even Oikawa's in the first place.

After taking the test Oikawa realized the baby wasn't his and it was neither their friend's the women had lied to Oikawa and to the last minute was telling him that she thought the baby was his and it was an 'honest' mistake.

In the end Oikawa released a statement that the women and him have parted ways and that baby isn't his...and it brought even more publicity to Oikawa's life which wasn't easy on Oikawa. But when he went back to Miyagi to tell Iwaizumi he was over the moon happy.

Sadly after what Iwaizumi told him was 'it was a mistake' broke Oikawa. He started to isolate himself. The only time Jake would see him would be at practice and that too he was over doing by staying late at the gym. Jake told Iwaizumi that once he came the next morning after practicing all night to find Oikawa asleep one of the benches.

Sighing Iwaizumi unlocked the door and entered the apartment. It dealer of sweaty socks mixed with lavender. It was a very weird scent. Iwaizumi made his way to the kitchen area where he saw dishes piled up in and around the sink with ants and when he made his way to the living room he saw that the couch was now a sofa bed with a blanket just thrown on it with only one pillow that too was on the floor with empty red bull and other energy drink cans.

The living room was all doom and gloom with the curtains close. Iwaizumi put his bag on the coffee table that was still in okay shape even though there were a few circular stains of cans or glasses kept without a coster.

Walking over to the balcony curtains Iwaizumi parted them letting in the little bit of sunlight that was left before the sun went down. Iwaizumi rolled up his sleeve and began to cleaning up the apartment starting with washing the dishes to putting Oikawa's unwashed clothes pile in the washing machine and turning over the air fresher that was on for god knows how long as it was all heated when Iwaizumi touched it to close it.

After what felt like a few hours Iwaizumi cleaned up the apartment. All but the bedroom. Iwaizumi was skeptical about going in there. But he has to shower after cleaning all that mess. Taking a deep breath Iwaizumi opened the bedroom door to see the bed was made and it was the cleanest part of the whole apartment which was very odd.

After taking a shower Iwaizumi came into the living room to see it was 10pm and decided to call Isuzu. He'd left her with Suzuki who had been staying at his house since she's come back in town.

After talking to Isuzu Iwaizumi felt a bit sleepy he'd had been on a plane back to back for over 48hours and he was dead tired. Iwaizumi decided to sleep on the sofa bed and he didn't feel too comfortable sleeping in that bed.

"You better wake up soon shitty-kawa..." Iwaizumi said as he drifted off to sleep.

Did the picture above scare you that something bad is gonna happen? ;p

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