Chapter Seventy-Four

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The sound of Sci repeatedly tapping the steering wheel with his finger was the only sound that was heard within the car. To the right, Sci sat in the drivers seat, with Nightmare to his left, looking out the open window of the car, uncaring for the strong wind that blew into his face. Behind those two, Pigment, Erratum and Ink sat, Pigment to the left, and Ink in the right, with Erratum sat comfortably in between. In the back, Sans sat alone, silent and most likely asleep.

Erratum glanced over to Pigment, who had once again started to tug at and fiddle with the seat belt that kept him down. It was the fifth time the skeleton had done it in the last thirty minutes, the tugging seeming to get more aggressive every time. Erratum didn't bother to tell the other to stop, knowing there was no point in it. 

Ink however, seemed to think differently. "what are you trying to do?" Ink questioned his look-a-like, looking around Erratum. Pigment quickly glanced at Ink, before giving him a half-shrug, "It's annoying" He replied, ceasing his pulling. 

Ink huffed, going to reply, before Nightmare interrupted them. "So, Sci" He started, making the teacher in question jump slightly, "Anything we should know about your relatives?" Nightmare asked, his gaze still out the window. Sci stayed silent for a moment, "Ah, I haven't said much have I?" He chuckled, The tapping pausing. "Well, I can't tell you much honestly, my father and I aren't that close" Sci responded, neutrally.

Despite not looking at Ink, Erratum was sure that he had rolled his eyes as he spoke up, "I'm sure you're close enough to know his name Sci" Ink retorted. Sci snorted in amusement, "Sorry, It must of slipped my mind" Sci apologized, "My father's name Is Appareil, and my uncle is Rainier" He informed them.

Nightmare hummed, "That's a foreign name right? Appareil." He asked. Erratum could see Sci shrug, "yeah, I guess, Never really thought about it" Sci admitted, "Probably French or something" Sci added as an afterthought.

Erratum, only vaguely aware of what French even meant, decided to speak up. "hOw Far AWay are wE sCi?" Erratum inquired. "A hour or so, It's not that far now" Sci told them, the tapping resuming. This time, Erratum did notice Ink roll his eyes, "only an hour, you say" he mocked childishly. Nightmare turned to look at Ink, "Stop being so Impatient" He chided Ink, before turning to Sci again, "Where are we meeting these guys again?" Nightmare questioned. Sci looked down at his phone, "Pretty sure it's some sort of lab" Sci informed them.

Erratum felt both of the skeletons beside him physically react to those words, one happier than the other. "A lab? Awesome!" Ink exclaimed, leaning forward to try and look at Sci's phone, "I've never been In a lab before" he added. Nightmare scoffed, "It'll probably just look like a hospital or something, I doubt you'll notice the difference" Nightmare said. Erratum spoke up, Interrupting whatever Ink was going to say, "HaVe YoU BeeN iN A LaB BefoRE, nIghTMarE?" He asked, leaning back into the seat. 

Nightmare was silent for a moment, "No. But-" Nightmare paused as Ink shouted a loud 'ha!', "So you don't know!" The colourful skeleton exclaimed, accusingly. Nightmare glared at Ink, "What else could it look like, then?" Nightmare leaned over the gap in the chairs to get closer look at Ink.

Erratum wasn't sure, but he was almost certain something about this was going against car laws. Sci didn't turn around to look at them, "You two get back in your seats, someone might see you" he hissed, the tapping getting faster. The two grumbled, but got back into their seats begrudgingly. 

Erratum looked over to Sci, "Do yOu kNOw, ScI?" He asked, referring to the earlier argument. Sci scratched his face, "nope" He replied, popping the 'p'. Ink huffed, "really? you're whole family consists of doctors and scientists, and you don't know what a lab looks like?" He slouched in the seat. Sci replied instantly, "Yes, Ink".

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