Chapter Fifty-Three

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It was dark. He was obviously asleep, but the sound of someone's voice ordering him to wake up quickly broke him out of his trance. "uh? Dad?" Paperjam groaned, looking up. After blinking a few times, Paperjam could tell the man in front of him was definitely not his father, making him tense.

Suddenly, as if a lever was pulled, his senses heightened. He could now feel the rough feeling of the rag underneath him, hear the sound of water dripping from the old pipes above him, and he could smell the horrid stench of whatever was in the older mans arms.

The other man scoffed, as if he was offended. "I am not your father, brat" The man growled, "And your not going to see him for a long time" He man said, laughing.

Paperjam frowned, confused. Why wouldn't he see his father? Where was he?

All of these questions bubbled up inside him. Suddenly, the sound of plastic being thrown onto the floor was heard, making Paperjam flinch. "Eat up, or don't" The man laughed at his joke, leaving Paperjam alone. He looked at the tray at his near his feet. Most of what was on the tray had flew off it when the man threw it onto the ground. Paperjam wasn't too sad about it though, as the contents of the tray looked like something you'd feed a prisoner, or a pig.

Paperjam looked down at his hands, going pale. His jacket was gone, and all he could see was a pair of shackles. The shackles themselves were old looking, covered in scratches, but they were thick, and Paperjam knew he wouldn't be able to break them. On his arms, the area around the shackles were sore, and were much more fragile looking than the rest of his arms.

He looked at his clothes, and frowned. He was wearing what most would just call a simple dress, but from the large gap around his shoulders, not to mention how large the sleeves were, Paperjam could tell he was just wearing an oversized shirt. Wearing it gave him a strange feeling, as he hadn't wore something larger than him in years, finding that, even if he wanted too, he had gotten too tall for anything to engulf him like the shirt was doing now.

The shirt was a Almond colour, but with all the dirt and blood on it, you could barely tell what colour it was. There were a few rips in the shirt, and Paperjam could tell that the shirt was very, very old. The shirt had a strong smell, so he smelled it, and realized that the shirt didn't smell like him. Rather he hadn't been here for long, or he had been given a new one. Well, not new, but somebody else's shirt.

After looking a bit more, he learned that he had no shoes, no socks, and after hesitating slightly, he found out that he wasn't even wearing trousers or underwear. When realizing this, he also noticed all of the scratches, bruises and grazes at the bottom of his feet. Only after learning this, did his feet start to hurt. Paperjam swore quietly.

He looked around, the walls were a burnt orange colour, that had faded so much that it looked more grey than anything. There were no windows, except the small one at the top of the wall. Looking at the window, he realized instantly that not only was the window was too small for him go through, but it was also filled with bars; three in total.

He frowned, and looked away, but not before noting that it was night time. He looked at the ceiling, and saw multiple pipes going through the walls, all in different sizes. One of the pipes, one of the larger ones, was slowly dripping water, leaving a puddle in the corner of the room. It was obvious the pipe had been like that for awhile.

He looked back down, and saw what he was laying on. It was a ratty blanket, too thin to be even considered one. It was a similar colour to his clothing, but, unlike his shirt, it didn't have blood or anything similar on it. Right next to him, there was a concrete block, connected to the wall by two flimsy chains. The 'bed', that's what Paperjam thought it was supposed to be, was about as thick as a normal sized brick, maybe a little less, and was as long as Paperjam, if you took his feet away that is.

Paperjam understood why he was on the floor now, and knew he wanted nothing to do with the bed.

Paperjam sighed, why was he here? Last he remembered, he was in his bed, fast asleep. He tried to remember what happened in what he assumed was yesterday, but he found himself unable to recall anything before falling asleep.

It was almost as if thinking that had released it, like from some cheap cartoon made for kids. 

But no matter how strange and awkward it might have been, it didn't matter. After all, Paperjam was to busy screaming.

He could remember, everything was fake, wasn't it? He didn't escape Jeffry, and Mr. Erratum didn't save him. There was no Emilio spying, Hell, There was no Emilio... 

Who was Emilio?

Paperjam's face contorted into horror as he remembered everything. His happy, cheerful memories disappeared as he remembered reality, As he remembered everything that had happened. Tears fell down Paperjam's face, as he faced the only truth he knew.

He was absolutely alone.

Paperjam pulled into himself, and started to try and hold onto at least one memory of that happier place. He tried to keep his fake memories of his dad, but they quickly faded. Paperjam cried, he tried to remember his friends, but there faces and names had already vanished. He tried to remember his teachers, his brother, his family.. But they all disappeared.

Paperjam wanted to scream, sob and shriek, but he stayed quiet, trying to calm down. He looked down at his hands, which wouldn't stop shaking. Paperjam felt as if his whole world had disappeared. He knew it hadn't though, It just wasn't the world he wanted.

"I promise"

Paperjam lifted his head up. Who was that?

"I promise"

His eyes widened, "promise..." He muttered. He couldn't remember anything else, he couldn't even remember what that promise was for. But he could feel it, That promise meant something to him. Whatever this person had promised, he knew that it was important.

The door opened, and out came a cat monster. His eyes widened, and Paperjam whimpered, "J-" Paperjam wanted to cry. It felt like his throat had swelled up, or he had lost his voice, keeping him from saying that name. The cat monster, Jeffry, Laughed, "You're not alone" Jeffry cooed, somehow knowing what Paperjam was thinking.

"You have me!" Jeffry exclaimed. Paperjam shivered. The cat monster towered over him, and continued to laugh. Paperjam started to shake, and he started to cry again, even worse than before. His hands instinctively went up to his face, even if it was rather slow. Paperjam wanted to be alone again.

"But, I'm afraid you're being too loud" Jeffry said, mocking disappointment.

The cat monster took loud and powerful steps towards Paperjam, being slow as possible, seemingly wanting to drag this on as long as he could. The longer time went by, the worse Paperjam got, until he was a sobbing mess. Jeffry paused right in front of Paperjam, and dropped down to his knees, and looked Paperjam right in the eye, shoving his face right into Paperjam's view.

And then, Paperjam woke up with a start, being too scared to even scream.

A/N have you ever written something, read it again and think 'wtf is this?' yeah, if you're confused about this chapter, don't worry, I am too.

My goal was to show that Paperjam isn't just having panic attacks over all of this, but also having Nightmares and Night terror's and stuff. I knew that I wanted to write something like this, I just didn't realize that the Nightmare alone would be over 1200 words, oops. Do you think this was overboard? The more I read it the more I get used to it, so tell me, Is this a *cough* of a chapter? 

This might also be a way to give me more time for next chapter, haha

Strange thing, I actually wrote this chapter before the last chapter, Chapter Fifty-two. Don't think that fact's important, I just thought i'd let you know.

Have a good day/night!

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