Chapter Sixty-One

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The big fight; And hour before Erratum falls into the void.

There was dust and magic in the air. The sound of a war of a thousand men was drumming into his ears, and the start of a headache was starting to appear. He crawled into himself, and blocked his ears, in a pathetic attempt to block the noise.

He was in pain, everything hurt. His back was sore, and his legs felt like they were made out of  jelly. He didn't want to move, but regardless of that, Curiosity got the better of him, and he turned over and opened his eyes, looking around. Far away, past all of the dust and magic that was flying through the air, there was two skeletons fighting each other.

Next to them, there was an unmoving army of skeletons. It was obvious they were here to fight, but many, if not most, seemed too weak to fight. The fight looked like it had been going on for awhile, and it seemed as if the two fighting were the only ones able to at the moment. 

"Error! you wont be able to run away this time!" He heard a voice shout. The other skeleton replied, but all he could hear was a messed up static sound. The other skeleton seemed to understand him somehow though, and scoffed, going to attack.

Even though he wanted to continue watching, everything started to turn blurry, and he couldn't help but close his eyes. When he did, he found himself unable to open them again.

He didn't know how long it had been since he woke up, but everyone had left, leaving him alone. Frowning, he tried to remember what had happened, but he found himself unable to remember much, other than the angry shouts of a crowd of people.

Deciding to figure it out later, he looked down, and saw dark, almost black, skeletal arms. He was wearing nothing, and almost as something wanted to prove it, he felt a chilly breeze pass by, making him shiver.

The silence was broken by a quiet, but pained groan. The noise startled him, and looking left to right, he couldn't see anyone. Shifting to look behind himself, he caught a glimpse of a small body, looking just as confused as himself.

He gapped at the other for a second, before asking, "hey, you okay?" His voice startled the other skeleton, but he didn't bother to look around. Not long after, the other skeleton asked, "who's there?".

The skeleton's voice was light and soft, but it had a strange, glitchy tone to it, making it sound unnatural. He felt like he had heard something similar to it before, but he couldn't remember where. 

"I am, i don't suppose you have any idea what's going on?" He asked, slowly crawling over to the other skeleton. The smaller skeleton finally looked over in his direction, showing him the skeleton's yellow and red eyes. "no, I'm sorry" The other replied, his frown deepening. 

He shrugged, "It's fine" He spoke. After a bit of awkward silence, he asked, "do you have a name? something i can call you?" He asked, looking at him curiously. The other shook his head, and a displeased look appeared on the smaller skeleton's face. 

He then looked over to him, though the smaller was honestly looking behind him, and not at him. He didn't even need to say anything, as his face told him what the smaller wanted to ask him. "No, i don't have one either" He answered.

Looking away from 'red-eyes', he looked around. The ground was dry and dead, and there was nothing in sight, living or not. He sighed, and looked back at him, and said, "We can't stay here forever, we should go... somewhere" He trailed off, realizing he didn't have a clue on what to do.

"Okay, that sounds smart" 'red-eyes' agreed. He stood up, and stretched his aching legs. They still hurt, but he could still walk on them, for now anyway. He turned to 'red-eyes', and saw that he was still on the floor. 

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