Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Paperjam felt a hand tap his shoulder, making him jump slightly as he was disrupted from his daydreaming. He looked up from his seat sharply, and looked into the green eyes of one of his fellow psychology students. Paperjam relaxed slightly, he didn't know many of his classmates too well, as he was finding it slightly troubling going from his old school to the college he was now in, and therefore the only thing he knew about this particular student was that their name was 'Wren'.

Wren gave him a somewhat amused look. Paperjam huffed, "What's up?" He asked, looking around the room, idly noticing that it was now empty. Wren rolled their eyes and shook their head, the movement causing their ginger hair to cover their eyes slightly, "Well, for one, as you might of noticed, the class is now empty" Wren told Paperjam, their arms crossed.

Wren then snickered slightly, albeit quietly. It was what Paperjam liked about Wren so much, their quietness. Everyone else's louder attitudes just reminded Paperjam of the friends he was missing, so Wren's slower pace at life was a nice and wanted change. They pointed at the door, "Your boyfriend's been waiting outside for you" Wren informed Paperjam.

Paperjam looked at the door, where he saw Emilio standing outside awkwardly. Paperjam swore to himself softly, making Wren roll their eyes again. They seemed to like doing that. "I'll tell him you'll be out in a minute, yah?" They offered, shrugging their bag over their shoulder and heading towards the door.

Paperjam didn't reply, instead giving his attention to packing his stuff up. He had a lot of items out; books, diagrams and other similar things as he had been too lazy to put them back in his bag after he was finished with them. He inwardly cursed his past self's lackluster attitude, the consequences of his laziness now catching up to him.

Despite his complaining, it only took him a few moments to put everything away, before rushing towards the door where Emilio stood outside. "Hey, sorry about that" Paperjam apologized, letting out a harsh breath. Emilio laughed, "No, It's fine, It must be boring, doing only psychology" He replied, turning to start walking. Paperjam shook his head, "It's not that bad" He argued.

While Paperjam decided to completely focus on psychology at college- to his families complete bafflement, Emilio had chose to split his time into three separate courses, Those being education, French, and Spanish.

Emilio shook his head, an action Paperjam had come to realize he did when he was amused, "I know, I know" He responded, before sighing. "I guess I just want more free time to spend together, I didn't think it would be this bad" He commented, shrugging to himself.

Paperjam frowned, and agreed with the other skeleton. "At least we're in the same college- Imagine if one of us went off to that college Alphys went to" He reminded Emilio, making sure to keep his steps in time with Emilio's own. Emilio mock-shivered, "The science one? God forbid" He replied, then after a thought, "It would have been even worse if we went off with Lust" He told Paperjam, a pleased smile on his face.

Paperjam nodded. While he was happy for Lust, he couldn't imagine going off to a college in Paris himself. It had a special Fashion design program, apparently. It had been a shock to the system, going from speaking to his friends daily to being lucky to speak to all of them in a week.

He saw Emilio and Fresh the most often, as they were the only people to go to the same college as him (with Fresh taking criminology). Dust, Horror and Killer were still at his old school, so he still saw them fairly often, along with Undyne who opted not to go back to school yet.

Then there was Alphys, who had decided to go to a special science-focused college that was a few hours away. Undyne especially had been in a mopey mood for weeks without her girlfriend, but had eventually got back into the swing of things. And then even worse- though he never voice his opinion, Lust had gone off to Paris. 

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