Chapter 9

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Ross's POV

After I tweeted about the whole Rossily thing, my mentions exploded.

@CiannaKizzy: @rossR5 who makes up this ship name?! Is it Emily..come on, you can tell me ;)

@R5ReadySetRock1: @rossR5 and @The_EmilyAnne are together..OMG

@R5ST: @rossR5 congrats bud!! too cute ;)

@Rachel_r6: OMG ASDFGHJKL #Rossily IS OFFICIAL @rossR5

@ArielRockerR5: @rossR5 soooooo cute! I ship #Rossily hard ;)

@FossFire: I ship #Rossily so hard you have no idea<3 @rossR5 @The_EmilyAnne

@RainbowBlurp: Oh. My. Gosh. #Rossily is official!! So cute(: @rossR5

@Crazy4UinPA: @rossR5 and @The_EmilyAnne are perfection<3 RT if you ship #Rossily!!

@AlSmith940: I ship #Rossily like there's no tomorrow<3 @rossR5 @The_EmilyAnne

@mallorymg_99: #Rossily all the way!!! @rossR5 @The_EmilyAnne

Everyone was talking about it! I couldn't believe what was happening. This was only the beginning.

"Hey Em, let's go in my room now." Rydel smiled at Emily and got up to put her bowl away.

"Ok." Emily replied, getting up and also putting her bowl away.

"Its pretty cold not having her in your arms, huh Ross." Rocky winked at me and I looked at the ground.

"A little." I said, playing along and gave a small laugh.

"Dude, have you checked twitter lately?!" Riker exclaimed, looking at his phone.

"I know! After I tweeted about Rossily, my mentions absolutely exploded!" I exclaimed.

"At least the fans are happy about it." Rocky smiled.

"Yeah." I said, smiling at all the comments I was getting.

Emily's POV

Rydel and I got to her room, shut the door, and immediately changed into our pajamas and snuggled up in blankets. 

"Tonight is all planned out. We have movies, games, tv, and our gossipy selves." She laughed.

"Sweet." I smiled.

"So, let's talk." She said, sitting with her legs criss-crossed and looking at me.

"Ok, about what?" I asked.

"Ross." She smiled and I looked down, trying hard not to blush.

"Um, ok. What should we talk about? Like, about him." I said, trying to find the right words.

"First question. Are you happy you got to know him?" She asked me, seeming very interested.

"Now that I realize how much he really likes me, yes." I smiled.

"Second question. Do you think he's happy he knows you?" She asked.

"I think he is." I shrugged.

"You don't look sure." She said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, I'm pretty sure. I mean, he seems happy." I said, never looking at her.

"Emily, you can tell me." She said. I knew I could, I just wasn't sure how.

I looked at her and told her everything I'd been holding in this entire time.

"I don't want to jump to conclusions. I've made that mistake before in the past and I got hurt from it and I'm not going to make a fool of myself. I'm not saying he isn't happy with me, because I really think he is, which makes me happy. Its just, I don't want to fall for him and then realize I never actually had a chance." There, I said it.

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