Sweat [18+] - 31.

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Getting out of bed the next day was a complete struggle. You slept like a newborn next to Jungkook throughout the night. Before you both fell asleep, Jungkook asked you if you would ever move to Korea and of course you were too caught up in the heat of the moment to think so, you said yes. 

Did you mean it? 

He looked so happy when you said yes. You were sure you had the right response but you weren't going to move there unless you got your internship acceptance first. You both stayed up for a bit, making plans to go to the mall today because you insisted on buying gifts for each of his hyung's (and because you wanted to buy yourself some new accessories for Korea too)

Jungkook protested severely at you wanting to buy gifts for the member's but you pouted at him until he agreed. When you finally fell asleep, Jungkook deposited some money into your bank account, afraid you would splurge on his hyung's and waste your money. He'd rather you buy things for yourself but he knew he couldn't stop you. You had such a big heart. 

The guys were going to love the shit out of you.

Jungkook spooned you all night long while you slept. He loved having something to hold onto. Most of his life having to hug a pillow while he slept. Having you in his arms made you feel safe and protected. But it made him insanely horny. Jungkook struggled to sleep, the time differences making him stay up for way too long and not to mention, this gorgeous person he called Y/N was in his arms as well, making it all the more difficult to close his eyes.

When you woke up, you didn't even know what time it was or which day of the weekend it is. You thought maybe it was Saturday. You felt so good.

Your first night with Jungkook after a month felt like a blur. A big embarrassing blur really. You felt like it was all a dream. You laid there with your face in the pillow, flashbacks of last night replaying your head. You spread out like an eagle on the bed, face pressed tight into the pillow as you groaned to yourself. Your whole body hurt. In a good way, of course. But you were embarrassed. You were a mess last night.

It was going to be a doozy having to face Jungkook this morning.

Speaking of Jungkook...

You reached over to Jungkook's side of the bed and found your phone, blinking awake and looking for a text from Jungkook but instead you were face to face with yet another wire deposit from him. You groaned; eyes more opened now as you stared at the zeros on your bank app.


Seriously how much money does he really have? 

You knew he was going to do this. You should have just told him you would use his black card for his members' gifts instead. That would make him happy. 

You frowned when you felt over the empty bed, wishing he was next to you. You slowly rolled onto your back and stared up at ceiling before realizing Jungkook was actually next to you the night before. "I'm an idiot."  You grumbled to yourself. You completely forgot he was with you last night and you weren't dreaming that he was fucking you while you slept. You sat up quickly and rubbed your eyes before sliding off the bed.

Your back and thighs ached the second your feet hit the floor. A friendly reminder that you weren't hallucinating that you were having sex with him and this situation in fact, did occur. You groaned, wrapping your blanket around your naked body and pattering quickly to your bedroom window, peeking out to your driveway. His car was parked next to yours outside so he must be somewhere in the house. You didn't think much of it. Assuming he was downstairs watching his animes or talking to his hyung's on the phone. Or maybe you snored too much and he left you to go sleep on the couch.

You yawned softly and unwrapped the blanket from yourself, slipping your red silk robe around your body and tying it around your waist before yawning again as you stripped the sheets off your bed and rolled them up, heading to your laundry room to start the laundry. You stood out in the hallway and heard a noise downstairs, quirking your eyebrow as you listened closely, pushing the bedsheets and other laundry items into the washing machine before starting a cycle. You heard another noise again as you headed to the bathroom to pee and brush your teeth.

The noise was louder now and you stood in the doorway of the bathroom as you listened, toothbrush in your mouth as you tried to make out the sounds.

Is that... Groaning?

You quickly brushed your teeth and dried your hands, rushing out of the bathroom, "Jungkook?" You called from the steps but he didn't answer. Your voice was hoarse and sore, probably from all the screaming you did last night. You cleared your throat and called for him again.

[Slow updates] Leave Me Lonely - J.K X Y/N 🔞Where stories live. Discover now