Xiumin~I'll Always Be Here When You Need Me

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"I'll always be here when you need me"
She looked as she dropped onto her knees. She couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing....

"O-Omma" she screamed looking down at her pale body. She only left a few minutes ago only to find out she had forgotten her wallet halfway there then she walled all the way back, her grandmother held her as she sobbed. 

Xiumin POV

I looked across the class to see ________ it's been a month since she came to school, her eyes are puffy but I guess no one notice. She didn't move or say much....she was still looking into space. I tried to put my gaze on something else but it kept landing on her, she barely spoke anymore. I didn't see her at any of the breaks but I did in the last class again. She was still and looking into space or something. Class ended and I decided to follow her, She went to a floral shop and purchase a flower, she carried it as she silently sobbed. Then we came into a cemetery when she stopped and dropped to her knees.

"O-Omma!!" She sobbed onto the tombstone, my heart broke...never did I ever thought that she could cry. I always saw her happy...but this...my heart tightens.

"I miss you so much....." She spoke in between sobs.

"So much!" She whispered I quickly run before I feel anymore sadness.
The next day she had done the same routine, emotionless face gazing into space, her eyes still red and again I followed her. She continued to sob which broke me into pieces.

A few days after the routine that she kept doing, I decided to get to the cemetery before she did, buying the same flowers she brought for her mother. I cleaned her Omma's tombstone.

Your POV

I went to go visit her again...no one seems to care about me...all my friends deserted me...so called friends..but this one kid kept looking at me in class, Xiumin? He's one of the heartthrobs of the school but I have no time to focus on him, I opened the gate to the cemetery when I heard someone talking.

"Could you please just clean her tombstone at least twice a day and putting new flowers in as well please"

"Yes. Mr. Kim"

It revealed that Xiumin was there, why was he there. He looked at me and bowed as I did the same back, Then went to my mother's sleeping place only to see it surrounded with her favourite flowers. Was it Him? I felt a but happy as a smile crept on my face.
"Hi Omma...was Xiumin who brought these?" The wind carried and I smile a bit more.

The next day of school, I began to realise him more, he smiled at me as I did the same back as class ended I quickly made it to him.

"T-Thank you Xiumin" I bowed and he smiled. I made my way to my locker as I visited her again. Just starring at the tombstone but this time without tears.

*Authors POV*

___________ was feeling a bit better everyday because she knew someone cared, She ate lunch at her usual place when someone sat next to her, it was Xiumin.

"I'm sorry....about your Omma but remember she's always with you and guiding you" he spoke.

"So it has been you?" She ask and he nods.

"How did you find out?"

"I followed you the first day you were back.....I'm sorry but it was unusual to not see your pretty smile....I knew something was wrong then...your omma"he spoke
"I know how it feels....losing her" his tears slowly went down his cheek.

"I know the heartache....I lost mine a few years back" he smiles a bit

"Being without her....is pain, but I knew she was with me" he wipes his tears and cups her face.

"I'm glad you've stop crying...it hurts to see you cry" he kissed her forehead.

"But it's time to let her go" he spoke and with that she poured her heart out while clinging to Xiumin.

"It's okay, cry" he pats her had softly.


"Thank you" she said

"Welcome" he replied "no more crying"

"I'm all done" she smiled

"Feeling a bit better?"


"Good... I'll always be here if you need me" he said before giving a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you"

"No need what are friends for" he smiled

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Yes, tomorrow, night princess"

"Night" she said before stepping into her house as Xiumin walked away fading into the darkness. Her heart felt better and stronger.

"Omma, please guide me in life,I love you" she spoke to the photo as she hugged iit while drifting to sleep.

The End


Keep overdose on EXO!

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