25. The Market

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You sat in the alleyway, carrying two backpacks, one on your person, and one in your hands. Some people had bought a couple things, but there was plenty of time for sales before school started.

"Hey! You there!" Someone yells from down the alley. He's wearing a black turtleneck and a white crop top with a flame logo on it, as well as a bandana. "You sell absent notes?"

"Mhm." You unzipped the one in your hands, digging at the very bottom, smoothing out the slightly crumpled half-sheet of paper. It was a shade of light yellow; greyish in the shade of the school building.

"Here." You handed it to him, taking his two dollars. You flashed him a smile, before stuffing his money into your pocket. "Bye." You shoo him away.

He walks away, jauntily skipping as your slide down the brick wall.

"I should really raise my prices."




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