CHAPTER 30 - Culprit

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Arjun :- "The number is registered on mukesh!"

Hridaan :- "Our classmate?"

Arjun:- "Yes ! I can't believe this he never seemed that type of guy!"

Hridaan:- "He will regret it!"

Hridaan strommed off towards their classroom and arjun followed after him.  Karvi and anushka saw hridaan and arjun going towards their classroom and they followed after them.

They saw mukesh in the classroom talking to his friends. Angrily hridaan rushed towards him and grabbed his collar

Hridaan :- "How dare you?!!!"

Mukesh :- "What the hell are you doing hridaan?!"

Hridaan :- "You know bloody well why I'm doing this! You were the one  sending those creepy messages to karvi !!"

Mukesh :- "What the hell I didn't do anything! I lost my mobile yesterday!"

Hridaan was shocked he let go of mukesh.

Arjun :- "Why should we believe you?!"

Mukesh :- "I even informed  the office!"

He took out a paper which had the missing complaint and information
of his Mobile.

Hridaan :- "That means someone is using mukesh's mobile."

Mukesh :- "What do you mean?! Some creep is using my Mobile to harass karvi!?"

Anushka :- "Karvi got a letter a while ago so we searched all the books of all students but we  couldn't find anyone with the same handwriting!"

Karvi :- "God then who it is?"

Hridaan :- "The only way to find out is tonight! And I have a idea! "
Someone opened the window of karvi's room and climbed in. He then started approaching the bed.

- "Now finally we are alone!"

He was about to take the sheets off her face but then someone grabbed his hand and twisted it to his back.

- "Who are you?!"

Hridaan :- "I should be the one asking you that!"

Hridaan then pinned him down. Karvi ,anushka ,dadu  and hridaan's parents came rushing in the room. Arjun sat up on the bed,
Yes arjun was pretending to be karvi.

Hridaan :- "Call the cops !"

Karvi:- "We did they are on their way!"

Hridaan then removed the hoodie and they were shocked to see the person.

Karvi :- "Manish sir?!"

Hridaan :- "Your new dance teacher?"

Karvi :- "Yes! But why?!"

But then they heard the police siren and in minutes two officers came and handcuffed manish.

Karvi :- "But why?!"

Police :- "we were searching for him. He has the charges of stalking, harassing and many many more crimes related to women. You are lucky miss bhardwaj!"

Dadu :- "Thank you officer!"

Police :- "Don't thank us thank this kids who helped  us catch him good job kids ! Now  we need you to come to the  police station for your statement."

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