Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three: At Cedric's Place

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"That's exciting V, I assume you haven't told Ezra yet," Ben asked.

We sat down at the coffee shop across the street from Cedric's Place. We were waiting for Lilah and Jess who just got back from their honeymoon.

I wanted to see how Alicia and the kids were doing.

"Nope you're the first, so please keep it a secret," I said.

He giggled.

"Anything for you V," he said as he sipped his coffee.

I smiled.

I secretly pulled out my list and crossed out Ben's name.

Uncle Davey
Blaise and Thea
Molly and Arthur
Fred and Angie
Lilah and Jess

One down, several to go.

"It's a nice place you built V," he said as we looked out the window at the bright building.

"Thanks, I've arranged for the coffee shop to deliver a dozen cupcakes and hot chocolate on each of the kids' birthdays. I've only ever told Alicia this," I said.

"That's really sweet Vera, you're such a caring soul," Ben replied.

I smiled.

"You must love these kids. You're going to be a great mother," he said.

That stung.

Ben immediately realized my expression.

"What's wrong V?" he asked.

"I can't keep this in anymore Ben," I began saying, "I need to tell someone," I said.

"Vera?" he said as he grabbed my hand in a caring manner.

"You can always tell me," he said.

I nodded.

"I've been hiding this since the day you guys visited me in the hospital. Adrian was writing to Ezra and my dad. The doctors came in to tell me how I was doing," I began, "Of course I was physically alright, just had bruises and that huge cut on my stomach," I said.

"The doctor's ran some tests on all my organs. They said I was very malnourished for months and my system was barely functioning. This had a huge impact on my reproductive health and the doctor said my body would never be able to handle a child...ever," I revealed.

"Oh my god, Vera. I'm so sorry," Ben said as he caressed my hand.

"I know I'm too young to think about all this but it still hurts Ben. I see how Fred and Angie are with Roxy and I wanted that eventually," I said.

"It's okay Vera," he said as he rushed over to hug me.

"I'm in the middle of trying to cope with it because there are other options, and that's why I love working with the kids here."

He nodded.

"I bet they could cheer you up right now," Ben said.

I smiled as we finished up our drinks and walked across the street to the kids.

"There they are," Lilah said as she walked towards us.

"Sorry we're a bit late guys, Lilah sucks at directions," Jess said.

We both giggled.

"You're lucky you're my wife, otherwise I would've hung you upside down from a tree. Like I did with Fred," Lilah replied.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now