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"You dyed your hair, ain't you?" Mark, trying intensely to attract his friend-dark eyebags, sulky-looking face and hair dyed like a broken hearted emo kids, well at least for him. Frankly, he snorted. How can someone who just succeeded-getting that sacks of money and fame-one of the most hardest job looking all lifeless?

"So what? You and your green grass hair, having the audacity to call me emo? Sucks to be you then,"

"Hey, what's up with that attitude?"

Two rows ahead of them, there she is. Letting all of her laughter out, arms wrapping around that boy named Felix-it does look normal to other people-you know-the friendly hugs and bonding session.

Two days before returning to his boring life as a student, he texted her saying he needs to meet her as soon as possible, though he shamelessly used 'assignments' as the main reason but did she even know what's going on inside of his mind. Especially when he started to helplessly missing her like a maniac, he loses his control over it.

A day before Monday starts, he bravely came to Jangmi's parents' house bringing some food planning on watching some shows or movies together just like the last time when she found him collapsed on the flooded road during the heavy rain. He went for it, only to be welcomed by her father saying she's nowhere around the area, probably going out for a 'me-time'. That's how he leisurely lose his patience, straight three days without talking to her drove him up the wall as in the end, she is-right now-looking all right, treating them boys like they belong to her and talking about assignments? She proudly showing to the lecture that the task was as easy as if she's the best student on earth.

Hence, these are the possible reasons on why did he changed his natural dark brown hair into something his circle wouldn't expect-dark purple. It's not like the campus care about his hair color, right? Donghyuck-obviously prayed-badly wanted her to notice his change, even if he changes the smallest part of himself, he wanted her to notice it.

"I know this sounds crazy, but I think I'm jealous. I'm being clearly clear now, look at them being all loving and whatever you call it, in front of me."

"Woah, bro. I don't understand, did you say you are jealous just now?" Mark-yet again, snorted silently as he held his nose bridge. Donghyuck, the type to be as cold as an iceberg, not wanting to bug people's life or to be bugged but sometimes could be as playful as a joker, playing with women's fragile heart.

In short, he is in love.

"I am! I don't want anyone makes her forget about me." The helpless boy started to pout cutely, at least for Mark.

Did he even realize that his wasteful rants and grunts were heard by her despite of the two-rows-seat distance? Jangmi chuckled, those mentioned two days of ignoring him was hard, mentally and physically. Due to the mission, she almost broke her back, heavy headache attacks and a reddish bump at the back of her head.

These didn't count with Mrs. Kang odd behavior, the head agent unexpectedly been trying to find every agents' weaknesses in order to be the place of her madness without any culpability. Also, Jisoo's absence still being one of the veiled treasure that yet to be discovered. The last call with Doyoung already had them breaking the headquarter with gadgets here and there and calling the other agents all over the country.

It was indeed hard and tough, contacting her parents and talking to the agents friends were the only solutions though.

"Where are you eating later?" Hyunjin broke the silence, catching her wandering minds before the class ends for the Monday. Jangmi was planning to eat with the Kims, but remembering Donghyuck would be there, she immediately changed her mind.

"I don't know, maybe joining you guys?"

"Hell yeah, let's get lost at the mall!"

"No, Hyunjin. Remember last week you've been wasting your money on clothes?" Felix spat out, he knows the amount of money Hyunjin could use only for clothes.

"If not mall, why not we eat at the food truck?" Jangmi's smile lit up, looking deeply into Felix's eyes.

"But they only open in the evening till midnight,"

"That's my point, duh." She jokingly hit both of their arms, packing her books still waiting for their answer.

"I'm sorry Jangmi, we can't go out tonight." Hyunjin pouted, caressing her head slowly trying to push away all the negativity in her mind.

The girl-hardly held her sigh-just nodded, not everyone will have times only for you. Felix pressed his lips into a thin line, caressing her hair to make her feel better.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? We'll travel the whole country later on." Jangmi looked up with starts in her eyes, catching his pinky finger as a promise between the two.

Mark ignored the situation, while the boy-oh boy, better don't disturb him for now.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now