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The atmosphere was thick-just as awkward as what they expected. After the confession day, they contacted through their social medias and stuff but now here they were, holding hand-in-hand while trying to be secretive around the campus. Why not? Donghyuck got himself a proper girlfriend after years playing around, and that girlfriend is someone who considered as someone who just got in the campus. That's how love works on certain people, no plans, just following the flow like a river flowing through uncountable silky rocks.

And this is where they seated now-the campus' park where every students that are not having class gathered around, the greenery, picturesque view got her dark eyes wander on every point in the space. She was lost in the park, and that is how easy it was for him to just sit back, inhaling the flower scents, brown eyes all over her exposed side profile. He ran his hand through his long purple hair, thinking of how could he pulled a perfect, gorgeous and simply-out-of-world kind of woman he first fell at the hotel? Is it a coincidence?-well, he didn't think of it. He thought it was perfectly-written-by-God's fate, a something he couldn't avoid nor run away from it; just face it, by hook or by crook.

"Your eyes might pop out anytime sooner, baby." He caressed the hair that got into her sight, the wind helped him to move closer to her-in other words, to slightly touch her soft, tanned skin once in three seconds. With a simple groan-coming from her-as a response, she turned around in order to lay on the ground while putting on a 'you drove me off the wall' look to him.

"Hyuck, is this considered as our first date?"

"If you think it is, then, it is what it is." She chuckled, taking out her Macbook to continue some leftover tasks from the last classes she had been missing. The couple enjoyed the windy morning for a half an hour, small talks and teasing the hell out of each others were the highlight of the day, when her Macbook's notifications went crazy out of the blue. Her eyes glued on the name popped on the screen, Kim Jisoo.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Donghyuck caught a glint of fears and shock in her eyes that was really, clearly, confusing him to death. Jangmi was in a rush, she packed her things before staring into his eyes blankly, before she voiced out her thoughts.

"It's not your fault, Hyuck. I think, I should go now,"


"I'll tell you later, um, tell Yeji, Felix and Hyunjin I'm not taking classes later. See you when I see you, darl!"

He was now left dumbfounded, proceeds to go and find Mark as well as the two pretty friends, still eager to dig in on what's happening between Jangmi and her Macbook's notifications. He is a liar, if he lied himself saying she's not fishy at all-even from the start, he was desperate to know and dig deeper into her life. It isn't like he wasn't trusting her, it is the curiosity of meeting someone new before allowing them walk into your life on the red carpet we prepared with a big heart.

As the clouds grew thicker and darker, he allowed his feet to leave the park to somewhere else to think and discover.


"Where is she?!"

Was the first question rolled out of her tongue as she saw the hateful person, Mrs. Kang, waiting with an obvious worry playing inside her eyes, standing in front of the ward's room with Jennie and Lisa behind her. Her appearance along with the Kims shocked them since they abruptly left the campus in a rush. Yeji was the only one stayed for her class' test, thus, she only will wait for Jangmi's message to come in their chatbox.

"Lower down your voice, Jangmi. We are at the fucking hospital,"

Lisa threw an annoyed look towards the older woman, yes, it drove her ass up the wall seeing Jangmi being treated 'differently' from the others these days. The reason stayed as a secret, none of them knew and none of them wanted to know.

"Yes, I'm really, really sorry if I came a bit late as we had to do something before escaping our classes but please-Jisoo is my sister."

"It's okay, Jangmi, it's okay now. Your other sisters are here too, alright? Take a deep breath, it's just a bearable wound, Jisoo is a strong woman so please put a lot of trust on her,"

A little update about Jisoo, she texted Jangmi, Lisa, Jennie and Doyoung about her current state which lead to a pure chaos between the agents since they were told that she was injured badly. Her left thigh had a big cut-seems like it got cut by a kitchen knife-and a broken ankle, which what the doctor said might caused by insane jumping activity-jumping off a high place, to be precise. Doyoung knew it, Doyoung knew what was the reason but he chose to zip his mouth close as he held her promises to not to reveal the person related to it, though he couldn't actually help it.

"I can't believe this happened. Like, she was away for a long time, and appear to be like this? That's crazy." Jangmi is known for being the boldest despite of her age, acknowledged by almost all of the agents team around the land. Realization hit her once the cold liquid rolled on her cheeks as she stared into the small window on the door, revealing her beloved sister laying down unconsciously.

"Jungwoo, Doyoung... I guess I failed when I promised saying to always save her when she's in her fragile state. It's a huge failure, such a great promise-breaker," Three of them muted, and engulfing each other in a warm and long-awaited hug. There were so many unspoken words, wanting her to believe that this wasn't going to last forever, the beloved sister would soon wake up with new hopes in her eyes if they put a lot of trust on her and a little bit of faith.

"Please don't be guilty, life is full of plot twists, Jung Jangmi."


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now