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"I see, you're getting better. Your wound and the bump are slowly healing, but I need you to seriously take your vitamins, Jangmi." There Yeji was, speaking her thoughts from A to Z to her friend who is-undeniably-stubborn.

That morning seems hectic as it sounds, looking back to Yeji-Jangmi's situation. Both decided to stay at Jangmi's place due to her worsened health, she-out of the blue-catched flu after a very while.

"I did take those vitamins or whatever, but it tastes like soaked socks fuck!" She rolled into the blanket, sniffing and groaning because of her super itchy throat. All she wanted is her cup of iced coffee, but oh dear, Yeji won't let her.

"I'll call Jungwoo lat-"

"NO, JUST DON'T!" Jangmi jumped into Yeji's arms, stopping her from texting nor calling the mentioned one. For sure she would get scolded or even worse-no more missions in this week.

"Alright, alright. I'm on your side now, so please, please, please listen to the doc's advice, okay?"

After making sure to turn off the television, Yeji left the room to go out for groceries. As usual, Jangmi's parents weren't home for works since it is still week days. Jangmi did everything-literally everything inside the spacious house to throw away the boredom.

She surely heard her crazy noisy phone on the couch in her room, choosing to ignore them she turned it off and threw it away-and a smile grew on her pretty face.

"I'll just go to sleep, fuck flu."


Did Donghyuck skipped class because of Jangmi? Yes, totally. Some of the others also weren't going due to the cancelled classes-half of the lectures of the campus weren't coming-so Jaehyun and Johnny are staying home, with their wine experiment again.

"I'm going out,"

"To where?" Johnny-just done showering-went out to see whether the now purple haired young boy is going out to campus or somewhere else.

He rolled his eyes, "To see my favorite person." The smirk, Johnny thought. He chuckled before pushing the younger's shoulder.

"Go, then. Don't make her wait, I know she wanted you as much as you wanted her."

"But, what if she knows my identity? My family background? What if she actually likes someone else?"

"Look at me, Hyuck. Shoot your shot, watch if she's the right person, study whether she's ready to be with you, learn how she'd accept your flaws. Good things take times, bro. I know at the end-even if it is not her-you will find the one for you. You know, let the water flows."

Donghyuck smiled, hugging the older one before excusing himself to go out. He is-100%-sure that she wanted him, love him or maybe had the same interests. Mutual feelings won't go wrong, and he believed it.


"Jangmi, are you home?"

Silence, dark sky is adding the creepy feelings. It is still afternoon, the gloomy sky just made the place-unintentionally very silent, and a little bit scary to him, whereas there were no cars and people walking around her parents' neighbourhood.

It wasn't locked? Too dangerous, but let me just step in. The dogs are fucking creepy.

He thought he was talking by himself, when his thoughts were louder than the sound of the streets. Donghyuck successfully escaped the cold, empty neighbourhood due to the busy week days where elder people go to work-and not to mention, Jangmi's parents neigbours are those high-class people-they wouldn't really care about the other people around them.

"Jangmi, I know this is wrong but I'm coming in..."

With tiny steps, he made it into her room. Messy, for the first time after the last time. Even when they were having video calls, the room looked seriously neat and clean-fun fact, she once picked up his call while cleaning her room and Donghyuck praised her, thus she won't stop cleaning her room untill her red ears turned into normal skin color.

"Oh, poor thing."

Donghyuck landed his back on the couch, he saw the unfinished chicken soup and mashed potato beside her bed, and it's hard for him to see her this way after days not talking to each other.

"Yeji... is that you...?"

Rolling, groaning, coughing and finally sitting. Donghyuck thought sitting back and watching are the best ideas yet. He examined her, her short bob hair is getting a little bit longer, she got her nails done, her arms were bruised and it seems like she just got hit-his thought-and her ears were red-like a tomato.

"Turn around, you'll find out."

She did as the order announced and it scared her seeing the purple haired figure is right inside of her room, with plain black shirt and ripped jeans-don't forget his leather jacket hanging at the doorknob.

"When did you get here? Is Yeji down there?"

"Oh, she isn't home I guess... the door was unlocked, that's dangerous Jangmi. You could've get kidnapped, or robbed."

"It's fine, the neighbourhood's always this silent-"

Donghyuck couldn't help himself from hugging her, and instantly, her mouth went shut. Her hands travelled up around his neck, head resting in his broad chest. She felt it, she felt the home.

"I'm sorry, I miss you."

Jangmi smiled, her pair of hands running up and down the hair of the male-he embraced her close, head buried in her neck, those hands respectfully wrapped around her waist, fragile and untouched, he thought.

"I miss you too, a lot. A lot more than anything, I told the stars about you, I'm not the type to be that dramatic, but I miss you, really, a lot."

"Shut up, I miss you, I envy them,"

Jangmi let out the laugh she've been wanting to release, thanks to Donghyuck. She laughed into his chest, unintentionally pulling him a little bit more close-laying on top of his chest, watching the blank ceiling, enjoying both parties' warmness.

"Let's go out, shall we?"


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now