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Her short hair now stopped a few centimeters under her shoulder, she even could tie it higher than usual-that's what he had been staring at. It wasn't like it had been a long time since they met and talked, his messy state of mind did the works, leaving him all blanked out during their first met after days. Was Jung Jangmi sitting there untouched with a cup of tea in her hands? Yes, she stared far into the wall as if there was something to unveil behind it.

The house-mansion, respectfully-was filled by Donghyuck and Donghyuck only. Thank God Heeseung and his uncle weren't in the house, unless he wanted to get beaten and cursed right ahead of the girl he treasures the most. Every air he breathed in, it almost felt like it was about to cut his throat, it was killing him. It even kills the time, which he hates the most, the now dark sky turned the weather blue-cold, just like her eyes. No shines, just dark, cold, filled with blues. Donghyuck hates this situation, a glimpse of his mother came across while he looked into her black eyes, Jangmi is similar to his mother when she feels betrayed, disappointed, wronged.

"How's your study? So far, I mean."

A long pause, it was 3 minutes, he felt like 30 minutes to gain a single response,


A sigh was heard.

"Great, because I thought after the three days I would be much better. I set my expectation too high." Jangmi adjusted her hair, putting down the brown cup onto the table, facing him. "You know how much I hate being tired and getting no one to cheer me up? My parents are out again and it's been a week since I last saw them face to face. Doyoung, Jungwoo, Felix and Hyunjin were there with me&thankfully-but hey, don't you realized that you are my main support? My fucking favorite person? Where the fuck were you? Why-no-just why the hell you never tell me anything because I, Jung Jangmi, 100% sure that I'm so worried about you!"

His feet anxiously shaking, her eyes filled with tears-call her a crybaby she wouldn't care. Jisoo's last incident will always stuck in her mind, someone is missing for days without any news or updates? Oh, it kills her. Says Jangmi is being overreacting, no, she knows something is wrong behind all of these. Donghyuck's state, his now shut mouth, anxious look-how couldn't she find out?

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry for making you worried, I'm really sorry. I, Jangmi, listen, sometimes I just need more times to slowly open up. Sometimes I feel like it's not the right time to expose this and that to you, for some reasons. Okay, you can curse me anytime you want but, I think I still need some times, okay? I love you-I, fuck, I really do but please, please, have a lot of trusts in me. Not high expectation I want, it's numerous trusts I need."

Jangmi swore she had a super hard heart, she wouldn't want to cry over cheesy, mainstream things like this. But oh boy, it's Lee Donghyuck, the person who got the first place in her mind and heart, she became weak when everything about him goes wrong.

"I'm sorry too, I'm sorry," her steps to him, wide arms ahead, lips collided and that is happiness, mind you, it can be only captured with honesty and mind. She-over and over again-fell for everything about him.

"Let's catch up with things too!"

"Aren't you busy?" He removed the remaining sticking hair away from her wet cheeks, reading her bare face before the latter buried her head deep into his chest.

"Just focus on each other for now,"


"Jisoo! Help me!" Doyoung's voice resonates through the whole room, making Jennie rolled her eyes in disbelief. The team was moved into a new office-much spacious, comfortable, a little too hidden from the crowd and the busy city of Seoul as they are one of the secret agents team-that's perfect enough to not to complain about nasty smell coming from the neighbor.

"Oh my God, Kim Doyoung. You are a man,"

"But my muscles have limit too, duh,"

"Jisoo just got discharged from the ward and yet she's much stronger than you, why the actual hell are you so weak?" Jangmi, with a little attitude in her voice, it drove her favorite bickering duo crazy, it triggered him that much that he left the heavy couch being carried by Jungwoo and Jisoo alone.



Lisa clutched onto her stomach, Yeji ran to Jennie to hide her now wide mouth, Jungwoo let out an enormous laugh upon seeing Doyoung's expression. The positive aura was surrounding them, no more Mrs. Kang, she was reported for bullying Jangmi before, and the head agent now is Jennie, which had everyone agreeing over the simple solution. Her hard works never lie-look at her now, making all of her teammates work in a much better and safe place, this is her family.

Jisoo? She's currently fine, the aunt was signed into the rehability center not in Seoul, just as far as she could to avoid meeting Jisoo-she could harm her as Jisoo was the reason she got into the center, which she never fond of. They even decided to stop searching for Fullsun, as his name wasn't showing up for almost a month now, if he decided to stop and keep silent about it, they thought it would be fine, if he chose to surrender, it would be the police's job to handle him. Talking about Fullsun would never left the campus thingy too, right? Since every single of them-Doyoung, Jungwoo and Jangmi-are basically known and even got many circles and friends, they would let the agent job slide whenever they go to school. How about they enjoy being normal young adults for now? Life is only a one chance, please, feel everything inside of it.

"Yah, yah, yah. Stop bickering! Focus on the interior designing or I'll cancel the order-it's fried chicken anyway,"

Jungwoo was the first one to shout in defeat along with Jisoo, both of them fell into a huge laughter. Seeing Jisoo happy made them happy too, seeing everyone together warms the now head agent's heart. Please always be fine, everyone.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now